The Big Bang Theory

I acknowledge that our Solar System, and even the entire Milky Way galaxy, could have emerged as a result of the Big Bang, but with one caveat. In my view, the formation of black holes, their absorption of energy and matter, subsequent explosions, and the creation of new galaxies, stars, and planets is a continuous and cyclical process in an …

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why develop the Kazakh language?

What is the benefit of developing the Kazakh language if it is not widespread in the world, if no scientific discoveries are made in it, and no world literary masterpieces are written in it?

When we talk about the development of the state language in any country, the question of rationality is not entirely applicable here. Language is a powerful …

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What is patriotism?
It is the unity of people based on citizenship.

How did patriotism arise and why is it needed?
Millions of years ago, starting from ape-like ancestors, humans have been social creatures living in packs, tribes, and clans. People realized that surviving and overcoming natural phenomena and enemies was easier together than alone. Later, they understood that even …

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Why Do Women “Work Twice as Hard”?

In the patriarchal Kazakh society, women have traditionally been the keepers of the home. Everything related to the household was considered their responsibility, which was fair since women didn’t work and spent their entire day managing the home, while men earned money.
However, later on, women began striving for equality and started working outside the home. Despite this, the stereotype …

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Ұлтшылдық-бұл адамдардың этникалық тегіне негізделген қауымдастық.

Ұлтшылдық қалай және не себепті пайда болды?

Бұл құбылыс миллиондаған жылдар бұрын, біздің ата – бабаларымыздан, үйір жануарлардан, кейінірек қарабайыр адамдардан бастау алады. Сол кездің өзінде олар отарда, тайпаларда, руларда ұжымдық өмір сүрудің пайдасын түсінді. Бұл өз аумағын басқа топтардан қорғауды, ірі жануарларға шабуыл жасауды жеңілдетеді және т.б.

Сондықтан генетикалық деңгейдегі адам әлеуметтік мінез-құлыққа, …

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Charity from thieves.

Recently, I had a discussion with friends on an interesting topic: should we accept charity from wrongdoers? Imagine a thief who brings a portion of stolen money to a mosque and donates it to help the poor. Or imagine they send a large sum to a cancer treatment charity. On the surface, it seems like a good deed. These funds …

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Interests of the player and the team.

I am the captain of a football team and sometimes I have to select players to participate in competitions. Since there are always more volunteers than places on the team, unpleasant situations often arise when I have to exclude someone from the main lineup. Recently, one of my friends complained, “Why didn’t you take me to the competition? We’re old …

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Status Concerns.

Serik is a typical Kazakh. He has a good family and his own business. Almost every weekend, Serik meets relatives and friends at traditional gatherings. He drives up to the restaurant in a luxury SUV, wears huge watches with a tourbillon, and is adorned with gold rings and chains. This is how he demonstrates his high status to others. Serik …

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Right to Atheism.

In Kazakhstan, the majority of the population adheres to Islam, and many sincerely believe that a Kazakh by birth is a Muslim. However, I publicly declare my atheistic views. Although this often causes surprise and even disapproval from those around me, I consider it my right and duty. By sharing my point of view, I contribute to the diversity of …

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Do Kazakhs Need “Uyat”?

In every society, whether primitive or modern, Eastern or Western, there are certain norms of behavior. These rules can vary greatly in different societies, but they exist in any culture. And Kazakh “uyat” is a restraining factor against violating established norms of behavior in our society. For example, walking naked or relieving oneself on the street violates Kazakhstani norms of …

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