Все статьи из рубрики "Без рубрик"

I could not write a better penetration than Albina Ramazan about the pain of Kazakh-speaking citizens of our country:

“I will try in order.

The first and most important thing. People who speak exclusively Kazakh in our country are exercising their constitutional right. It doesn’t matter who they talk to – foreigners, Russian speakers or among themselves. Constitutional law.

I recently flew to Lithuania. Everyone there also speaks or at least understands Russian. But I downloaded a Lithuanian phrasebook, …

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History lesson.

On May 31, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression and Mass Famine of the 30s.

I bow my head before our compatriots who died and suffered innocently.

This day is important for rethinking our history.

I consider the main lesson of those events to be the awareness of the perniciousness of totalitarianism for society.

It …

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What is a “sovok”, and where did it come from?

The word “sovok”(from Russian means scoop) itself comes from the word “Soviet”, and it denotes the most negative manifestations of lifestyle, as well as thinking inherent in citizens of the former Soviet Union.

Here, in my opinion, are the main signs of the “sovok” and my explanation of their origin.

Xenophobia (fear or hatred of everything alien, unfamiliar, unusual).

Xenophobia …

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Intention and result.

Sometimes a good intention leads to the opposite result.

I remember when I was about 5 years old, I saw that the postman carried newspapers in our five-story building only to the second floor and put them in mailboxes there.

“But what about the residents of the upper floors?” – I thought and decided to do a good deed. I …

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The joy of Victory.

For some reason, some people consider Victory Day to be an exceptionally mournful day and are zealous that no one should rejoice on this day.

I see some kind of youthful maximalism in this.

Yes, we must not forget the enormous sacrifices of the Second World War, we must not forget our grandfathers who died in those battles, but at …

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Women’s equality.

I’m going to say shocking things.

They shock, however, not everyone, but only men who lag behind in their perception of the world at the medieval level. However, oddly enough, there are such among women.

So. If a girl wears a miniskirt, it does not mean that she is a debauchee and that she can be insulted, let go of …

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Is nationalism good or evil?

The national theme is relevant in Kazakhstan today, and probably will be relevant as long as many nationalities live here. That is, always.

People argue with foam at the mouth, but at the same time, often using the same words, they put different meanings or different emotional connotations into them.

Let’s take the word “nationalism”.

Some consider this word an …

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Selfishness and justice.

Human behaviour is based on two basic instincts that are genetic. These are survival and reproduction instincts.

Whatever man does in his life, all his actions, feelings and emotions are based on these two instincts, which help him survive and continue his species, i.e. serve his personal interest, his “ego”. Man’s egoism is the fundamental motive of his behaviour.

The …

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Demonopolization of the economy.

Part 2. Healthcare.

In health care, as in all other spheres of life, it is necessary to introduce digitalization. This will make life easier for citizens and doctors when they come into contact with medical institutions, and will make it possible to make the right management decisions at the local and national level.

As you know, 15 years ago the …

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