I could never understand people who don’t perceive criticism.
They resenting at any comments in their address; zealously watch, so that no one will allow himself a caustic cue in their back; on any unflattering statement are ready to pounce with fists or maliciously fend off: “Look at yourself.”
I feel sorry for these people.
Closing from criticism, it’s like turning away from a mirror.
From the fact that you avoid looking in the mirror, you do not become more beautiful and purer, just play with yourself in hide and seek and delay the moment of truth.
It is much wiser to listen to any criticism and draw conclusions from it.
Of course, the head needs to make an amendment to the subjectivity and goals of the critics. Maybe some of them are mistaken, and someone is interested in something and can tell lies to mystified you. Do this for an amendment, but do not interrupt them. Let them talk. Maybe in their words you will find a little truth. And any truth is always helpful, because it helps you to change for the better.