Все статьи с тегом "#State"

Shooting of the police officers.

     In Seoul, I turned out to be an unwilling witness to the riots related to impeachment to the country’s president, Ms. Pak Kun Hyo.

     I noticed one detail. During the clashes between the demonstrators and the police, many people in police uniforms filmed each incident, each scuffle, on the cameras. It was unusual to see this. …

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“Kings” and “leaders.”

     There are two types of dictators.

     The first is “kings” or “khans.”

     They take power for a long time and “squeeze” out of it the maximum of material benefits, become the richest people in their country, their family members or familiar cellists firmly establish themselves in the “Forbes” list, they own yachts, airplanes, newspapers, …

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Fair taxes.

     Recently I talked with one businessman.

     He told me an interesting thing.

     – Personally, – he says, – I am ready to pay all taxes to the state. Moreover, they are relatively low. But under one condition: if taxes pay absolutely everything. I say this not even from some considerations of patriotism and civic …

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Technical progress or jobs?

     Once I had an interesting dispute at a meeting in the Government. One of the line ministries reported their plans to introduce the latest technologies in order to achieve their target – a twofold increase in labor productivity, that is, the same volume of production will be achieved by half the number of people.

     Another ministry …

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National and language model of Kazakhstan.

       This is how I see the national and linguistic model of Kazakhstan.

       Kazakhstan will remain a multinational state. No one will be expelled or oppressed on a national or racial basis. A person does not choose his or her nationality at birth, therefore nationality itself can not be the basis for exaltation or humiliation of anyone.…

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Cutting edge Kazakhstan.

     Recently I spoke with an Italian that I know. Conversation started on public services. He really liked our system of PSCs. He says they do have one. People still go to different institutions.

     Then he showed me his documents for comparison, and I showed mine.

     It turned out that in Italy people still use …

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We can do it ourselves.

Some say, let’s join Russia, restore the Soviet Union, once again become a great power, and the whole world will be afraid of us.

Others say, let’s unite with Turkey, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, we will speak in common languages and live in a large Turkic world.

Third say let’s unite with Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt and other …

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Is it independence or separatism?

     Modern politics has a very painful question, which has not been unequivocally answered over the years.

     Where is the line between the fight for independence and separatism?

     After all, almost always, when some are fighting for independence of their nationality or their territory, there are others who consider it as separatism and fight against …

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