Все статьи с тегом "#Right"

Equal rights of women.

     Now I will say shocking things.

     However, they are not shocking for everyone, but only for the men who perceive the world at the medieval level. Curiously enough, there are women among them.

     So, if a girl wears a mini-skirt, it does not mean that she is a debaucher and that she can be …

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The influence of the crowd on the judges

           Do citizens have the right to discuss certain trials before the court’s decision (verdict) is issued, as well as after?

           I believe they have.

           In my opinion, the right to discuss the actions of judges is the fundamental right of citizens of a democratic country. …

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          Where’s the justice? – thought the peasant with one cow, looking at a neighbor with five cows.

          Where’s the justice? – said the third peasant, who did not have a single cow, and took the cow from the first peasant.…

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Freedom of disposition of oneself

          Recently the court passed a verdict against two people in Kazakhstan. One of them sold his kidney for money, and the second bought it, because one of his own kidneys has refused. They voluntarily made a deal, and the doctors made an organ transplantation.
          However, under the Kazakhstani law, the
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Own – alien, right – wrong.

     Probably, each of us had to face a dilemma in life: on whose side to stand in a dispute or conflict – on his side or on the side of the right (after all, it does not always turn out to be right).

     For example, your son in the yard beat a neighbor’s boy. His father …

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Acceptable boundaries in relation to religion.

     In a secular, democratic state, which we call ourselves, religion is separated from the state, citizens have freedom of religion, all faiths are equal.

     These are fundamental principles.

     But in everyday life, the boundary between what is permitted and forbidden to draw is very difficult. It is often not prescribed in laws, but exists …

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Which language is infringed in Kazakhstan?

     In our country there is not a single minister or vice-minister, not a single akim or deputy akim, not a single deputy of the Parliament or maslikhat, who cannot speak Russian.

     But in our country there are many ministers, akims, deputies who speak Kazakh poorly or do not speak Kazakh at all.

     In our …

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Conversation with the opposition.

     – Stop swaying the boat. Stop worrying people. Why are you calling them to rallies against the authorities?

      – We want improvements in our lives. We want the government to submit to us, and not dominate in the country. We want corruption to stop in state agencies and in courts. We want the children of …

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State and private cemeteries.

       I think that we should have both state cemeteries and private ones.

       State cemeteries should be kept at the expense of the budget and provide a minimum level of services free of charge (plot of land for the grave, security and cleaning of the cemetery territory). In the state cemetery, competing with private companies, …

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Policemen and protesters

         When I see how the police brutally and rudely disperse rallies and demonstrations, I always have one question for these policemen: why do you hate these people so much? These are not murderers, not rapists, not robbers. These are the same citizens of our country, like you, your parents, friends, etc. You go with these people …

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