Все статьи с тегом "#ideology"

Nationalism – good or evil?

     The national theme is relevant in Kazakhstan today.

     And, probably, will be relevant as long as there live many nationalities, that is always.

     People argue with foam at the mouth, but often use the same words, giving them different meaning or different emotional tinge.

     Let’s take the word “nationalism”.

     Some …

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“Kings” and “leaders.”

     There are two types of dictators.

     The first is “kings” or “khans.”

     They take power for a long time and “squeeze” out of it the maximum of material benefits, become the richest people in their country, their family members or familiar cellists firmly establish themselves in the “Forbes” list, they own yachts, airplanes, newspapers, …

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Is it independence or separatism?

     Modern politics has a very painful question, which has not been unequivocally answered over the years.

     Where is the line between the fight for independence and separatism?

     After all, almost always, when some are fighting for independence of their nationality or their territory, there are others who consider it as separatism and fight against …

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Striped St. George Ribbons or Kazakh turquoise?

     Everybody knows the history of St. George ribbons. The Order of St. George was established in 1769 to reward the Russian military in the war with Turkey. Then, in the Soviet Union it was canceled, and in 2000, Russia restored it.

     The Guards ribbon was established in 1942 to designate guards units, formations and ships that …

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Eastern mentality.

     As it happens, in 2017 I lived in South Korea for about a month.

     What do I want to say?

     It is a typical Asian country with a distinctive eastern mentality. Here the elder are venerated, the family values ​​are strong, the collective is considered more important than the personal, the mores are not …

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Nationalism and Democracy in Ukraine.

       In my opinion, when assessing the events in Ukraine, many observers have confused concepts.

       Initially, the events in Kiev, later called EuroMaidan, were perceived by the democratic public in the West, in Russia and in Ukraine itself as the struggle of Ukrainians with the authoritarian corrupt government of the country. Therefore, Democrats around the …

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For Russia or for Turkey?

          Due to the aggravation of Russian-Turkish relations, Kazakh society was divided into three camps: for Russia, for Turkey, for no one.

          I’ll try to explain my position.

          What are our reasons to be for Russia?

          1. Is it because Russia …

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The etymology of our fears in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

     According to my observations, the majority of Russians living in Kazakhstan have taken the side of Russia in its conflict with Ukraine. And there is an explanation for this. They are connected with Russia by ethnic kinship. Many of them realize themselves first of all as Russians, and only then as Kazakhstanis. Add the information environment here: there …

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State depending on one person

          A state, the further development of which depends on one person, on his health, on his personal presence on TV screens, on his mood and whims, cannot be considered sustainable, progressive and modern.

         I’m talking about North Korea, of course.

         What did you think about?…

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Adopt the best

          Every time after visiting Europe, I tell about European countries with admiration.

          I do not see anything wrong with that.

          We all learn something from each other.

          When foreigners come to us, they also like something in us. For example, …

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