Все статьи с тегом "#West"

English business and citizens.

     Recently my Kazakh acquaintance who lives in London told me an interesting story from the ordinary life of the Englishmen.

     He himself lives near Heathrow Airport. So, it turns out that this airport has for a long time wanted to expand and build another additional runway. Being one of the largest airports in the world, its …

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The Hand of the West.

     The President of Venezuela Maduro said that the situation in the country is fueled by enemies of the people, who are supported by the West.

     This has become an unchanging tradition: the authoritarian regimes always blame the West for public discontent in their countries.

     Perhaps they are right. Indeed, the West is to blame. …

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Democracy and populism.

     They say that when the President of the United States gives food to the homeless, when he takes part in social videos or visits areas suffering from disasters, he engages in cheap publicity.

     And I want to ask people who say so, “How should the head of a democratic state behave? As a king, as a …

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European tightness

         The European population density led to the appearance of very small restaurants. Here it is a usual thing to sit at neighboring tables and almost touch the elbows of neighbors. At the same time, at each table, couples conduct their conversations, not being ashamed of their neighbors. Probably because nobody cares about others. Nobody eavesdrops and …

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Ecological thinking.

      In Europe, I noticed a lot of attention is paid to the environment. This is the theme slips in many areas of life.

      For example, go to a restaurant, and there on a tray it is written that it is made of natural decomposing substances. On a napkin.

      You check into …

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European road lessons

           For many years on vacation I’ve been driving myself on the roads of Europe. Riding an autobahn is not a job but a pleasure there.

          During this time I learned a few lessons that I want to share with those who are only going to plow the expanses of Europe.…

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Responsibility for discontent.

      In the Italian legislation there is an interesting nuance. If you have violated the traffic rules and you have been fined, but you do not agree, you can appeal this decision. But… if you lose the process, the amount of the fine will double.

      Such a rule makes you think carefully before challenging the …

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Freedom of rallies and processions.

   In the streets of Milan, perhaps, of any large European city you can meet peaceful processions, rallies and demonstrations. Moreover, no matter what they preach or demand: the resignation of government or world peace. The main thing is that they have the right to do this. In addition, they consider this right as natural. They do not ask for …

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Mayor of Milan and graffiti

            The last time when I’ve been in Milan, I noticed that more graffiti appeared on the walls and thus, the city seemed dirtier and more unsatisfactory. I asked one taxi driver what was wrong. He, like all taxi drivers knew the answers to all the questions and thus, has willingly told me that it …

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Europe’s mild climate.

      In Europe, two friends can go together, one wearing flip-flops, the other – wearing boots. And it’s not just that the climate here is mild, but that there is a common mild atmosphere of tolerance for others. Nobody cares what you are wearing: a tuxedo or rags. Nobody will condemn you, discuss or make comments. This is …

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