Все статьи с тегом "#democracy"

Our attitude to Russian startups.

Recently, the number of Russian startups has increased in our “sales funnel”. This is understandable. The Russian economy is experiencing a crisis due to the war, the threat of mobilization has driven many businessmen and startups out of the country, including quite adequate, talented entrepreneurs. They are trying to find a use for their powers in a more predictable and …

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Selfishness in the service of society.

Sometimes I hear these words:

“This blogger traveled half the country in search of scandalous stories. All the fields and forests have overgrown. Do you think he is working hard for the sake of good business? No way! For himself, for his own fame. And you, like devout hamsters, are liking him and writing eulogistic comments. He just uses you. …

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History lesson

            May 30 in Kazakhstan is a Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repressions and Mass Hunger of the 1930s.

           I bow my head to the innocently lost and injured our compatriots.

           This day is important for rethinking our history.


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Kings and slaves.

I have noticed one thing: among the participants of the movement “Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan” many people are fanatically devoted to its leader, Mr. Ablyazov. They admire him, swear allegiance, ready to give his life for him. And this is when he has not yet become the leader of the country, but is just an oppositionist in exile. What will …

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A mental double.

They say that a complete coincidence in views with another person is just as unlikely as finding your complete double.

But still. Respond me if you exist, my mental double, respond!

Here are my signs, by which you will recognize me:

1. I am a liberal-democrat.

I am for the freedom of the individual in society, for the freedom of …

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Old songs about the important things.

     – Uncle Marat. Why do you listen to old songs? What is good about them? I do not even understand what they are about.

     – Try to listen, my nephew. If you do not understand, I will explain.

     Listen to this:

     “Circular bail smears like soot.”

     You recently entered the …

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Eastern mentality.

     As it happens, in 2017 I lived in South Korea for about a month.

     What do I want to say?

     It is a typical Asian country with a distinctive eastern mentality. Here the elder are venerated, the family values ​​are strong, the collective is considered more important than the personal, the mores are not …

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Why do they love Putin?

     – Can you tell me, why do you always lash out at Russia and Putin? Why are you so furious with the Russians?

     – Nonsense! I have never had anything against the Russian people. I speak only against Putin’s policy. Russia and Putin are not the same thing. Putin will leave sooner or later, and great …

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Nationalism and Democracy in Ukraine.

       In my opinion, when assessing the events in Ukraine, many observers have confused concepts.

       Initially, the events in Kiev, later called EuroMaidan, were perceived by the democratic public in the West, in Russia and in Ukraine itself as the struggle of Ukrainians with the authoritarian corrupt government of the country. Therefore, Democrats around the …

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Conversation with the opposition.

     – Stop swaying the boat. Stop worrying people. Why are you calling them to rallies against the authorities?

      – We want improvements in our lives. We want the government to submit to us, and not dominate in the country. We want corruption to stop in state agencies and in courts. We want the children of …

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