Do you remember the chemistry lesson in school where we conducted an experiment with a salt solution? We added salt to a glass of water, stirred it, placed a thread in the solution, and watched as salt crystals began to form on the thread. It was an incredible moment, wasn’t it?
Now imagine if, before the lesson, someone stopped you in the school corridor and said, “You will see crystals forming out of nothing.” Most likely, you would think it was impossible—after all, molecules simply move chaotically. But when you entered the classroom, saw the experiment, and heard the explanation about how the laws of physics and chemistry cause molecules to organize into crystals, you realized how chaos turns into order. What seemed unbelievable turned out to be a natural pattern.
For me, the emergence of life is like that experiment with the thread and salt. Yes, individual atoms of hydrogen, oxygen, and other elements move chaotically, but under certain conditions, they combine to form structures that eventually become organic compounds—the foundation for life itself. This isn’t the whim of a deity; it’s the laws of physics at work, always and everywhere, whether you believe in God or not, whether you pray or not.