Life from Chaos

Do you remember the chemistry lesson in school where we conducted an experiment with a salt solution? We added salt to a glass of water, stirred it, placed a thread in the solution, and watched as salt crystals began to form on the thread. It was an incredible moment, wasn’t it?

Now imagine if, before the lesson, someone stopped you …

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Superstitions arise from a lack of information and fear of the unknown. People often instinctively spit over their shoulder or say “knock on wood” in moments of joy, fearing they might “jinx” successful events. This is superstition. As a materialist and pragmatist, I view such rituals with irony. In the modern world, with its scientific and technological achievements, such actions …

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Filling Gaps with Faith

Science has developed, is developing, and will continue to develop, always moving forward, like chasing the horizon. We advance, but beyond the horizon, there are always unexplored natural phenomena and unexplained mysteries. Humanity will continue to evolve, knowledge will expand, but that unknown area will always exist. As long as there are phenomena not explained by science, there will be …

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Filling Gaps with Faith

Science has developed, is developing, and will continue to develop, always moving forward, like chasing the horizon. We advance, but beyond the horizon, there are always unexplored natural phenomena and unexplained mysteries. Humanity will continue to evolve, knowledge will expand, but that unknown area will always exist. As long as there are phenomena not explained by science, there will be …

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Why do people want to believe in God?

I believe that the main purpose of faith is protection and support—both for society as a whole and for each individual. People turn to religion in moments of difficulty, fear, and uncertainty. They seek something to lean on when the circumstances around them seem too overwhelming and impossible to overcome. The belief in higher justice, which will balance all the …

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“Bad Child.”

As I travel around the world, in most countries, I notice a very warm attitude towards children, especially in Europe and Southeast Asia. There, children are praised, admired, and adored. But only among us, the Kazakhs, there is a strange tradition of demonstratively scolding someone else’s child, calling them “zhamań bala” (bad child) or using other offensive words. It’s clear …

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The Big Bang Theory

I acknowledge that our Solar System, and even the entire Milky Way galaxy, could have emerged as a result of the Big Bang, but with one caveat. In my view, the formation of black holes, their absorption of energy and matter, subsequent explosions, and the creation of new galaxies, stars, and planets is a continuous and cyclical process in an …

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why develop the Kazakh language?

What is the benefit of developing the Kazakh language if it is not widespread in the world, if no scientific discoveries are made in it, and no world literary masterpieces are written in it?

When we talk about the development of the state language in any country, the question of rationality is not entirely applicable here. Language is a powerful …

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What is patriotism?
It is the unity of people based on citizenship.

How did patriotism arise and why is it needed?
Millions of years ago, starting from ape-like ancestors, humans have been social creatures living in packs, tribes, and clans. People realized that surviving and overcoming natural phenomena and enemies was easier together than alone. Later, they understood that even …

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Why Do Women “Work Twice as Hard”?

In the patriarchal Kazakh society, women have traditionally been the keepers of the home. Everything related to the household was considered their responsibility, which was fair since women didn’t work and spent their entire day managing the home, while men earned money.
However, later on, women began striving for equality and started working outside the home. Despite this, the stereotype …

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