Recently, I discovered a new meaning to the saying: “I’m not rich enough to buy cheap things.”

Indeed, only a wealthy person can afford to wear cheap clothes and use cheap services.

Do you know why?

Because they don’t need to prove anything to anyone. They are established. They have proved to the world and themselves that they can do anything. After that, flashy expensive watches and jewelry, villas, and yachts lose their meaning.

Of course, some expensive things have meaning. For example, lunch in a good restaurant is more beneficial, aesthetic, and tastier than in a diner. A good car is safer and more comfortable than a cheap one.

But there are also absolutely inexplicable attributes of wealth from a practical point of view. For example, heavy, uncomfortable “tourbillons” are not worn to tell the time but to show their significance. City dwellers buy huge jeeps and hummers not for driving but for prestige.

One day, owners of tourbillons and hummers won’t need to prove anything to anyone. That’s when they’ll put on old worn jeans, and Japanese watches, and walk modestly among us.

By the way, the unassuming modesty of a millionaire is the surest sign of their self-sufficiency and self-confidence. Understanding this will gradually come to our “show-off” in Kazakhstan.

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