I often encounter situations at work where people are tempted to lie to their boss, colleague, or client.

A typical example: a subordinate fails to complete something at work, and when the boss asks, they, out of fear, say, “Yes, I did it,” hoping to fix the situation before the boss checks it themselves. And then, to cover up one lie, they invent another, thus getting more and more entangled. It seems like an insignificant lie in a very small matter that doesn’t lead to significant consequences. But, as a rule, eventually, often entirely accidentally, it comes out, and then because of this one small lie, a person loses the trust of those around them.

I have this rule: I am willing to forgive unprofessionalism and irresponsibility, but never lying. If a person has lied to me once, then I see no reason to believe their words at all. Where is the guarantee that they won’t lie next time? If I don’t trust the words of a subordinate or partner, then such relationships have no future – it’s the end.

So, my advice: no matter how bitter the truth may be, it’s better to voice it and take responsibility for your mistake, but never, under any circumstances, lie.

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