Dear Russians!

Imagine this scenario: 2030. Russia, after getting rid of a dictator, decides to choose a Western path of development and align itself with Europe and the USA. The majority of Russians support democratic and liberal values.

Neighboring China, a perennial competitor and opponent of the USA, expresses dissatisfaction with this and calls on Russia to abandon these plans. Despite this, Russia continues its integration with Europe.

Then China starts a propaganda campaign within its country and turns the majority of Chinese people against Russia. Simultaneously, several million Chinese who had previously moved to the eastern part of Russia, to Siberia, start claiming persecution based on nationality and language. Chinese communities in these Russian regions demand to be spoken to in Chinese, for their children to be educated in Chinese schools, and for all documents, signs, and inscriptions to be duplicated in Chinese.

When Russians express dissatisfaction with this, reminding that the official language of the country is Russian, Chinese citizens of Russia call them “Nazis” and “fascists”.

Taking advantage of the escalation of interethnic relations, or rather provoking them, in 2034 China seizes the southeastern part of Russia, and in several regions helps local ethnic Chinese to actively revolt against the Russian center.

When Russia tries to maintain its territorial integrity and declares a counter-terrorism operation in the Far East, China secretly sends its weapons and soldiers disguised in civilian clothes to Russian territory. As a result, the southeastern regions of Russia are cut off from it and declare independence, which only China recognizes.

In these regions, Chinese laws are enforced, the currency in circulation is the yuan, the language of communication is Chinese, and official documentation is also conducted in Chinese.

Although these regions declare themselves independent republics, after 8 years of attempts by Russia to regain control of the seceded regions, China declares a special operation to protect ethnic Chinese from the fascist regime of the Kremlin and sends its troops into Russia. Better-equipped and more numerous, China’s troops quickly advance through much of Russia and approach Moscow. Russians mobilize and resist the invaders and aggressors: they fight with the Chinese for every city, even when besieged, they do not surrender to the enemy and fight to the very end.

The global community is outraged by China’s aggressive actions and stands on Russia’s side. Sanctions are imposed on China by all major world powers, and trade with China ceases.

Despite this, China continues the war and attempts to capture the Kremlin. Its official demands are the demilitarization and denazification of Russia, although the true goal of the war is to not let go and subjugate its former ally.

Seems like fantasy? Don’t be too quick to dismiss.

Just a couple of months ago, no one believed in the war in Ukraine.

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