Part 5. The war in Ukraine.

Correspondent of the “Washington Post” newspaper:

– Dear Mr. President, probably the most important issue now for all mankind is the situation around Russia and Ukraine, because many see it as a threat of World War III. In this regard, I would like to know your attitude to this conflict. To be honest, many observers call your position twofold.

President Tokayev:

– You see, when a small country is at the intersection of the interests of large states, this country has to maneuver and look for compromises in order not to become a bargaining chip in the invisible struggle of ideological enemies, primordial competitors on the world stage. Therefore, as the president of the country, I feel responsible for the fate of our citizens, for their safety and tranquility. Therefore, I cannot express a clear position if I see this as a threat to our country. If I were a simple citizen or, as it is fashionable to be now, a “blogger”, then, of course, I would probably express myself more openly and straightforwardly. But my position obliges me to be more careful and responsible.

Correspondent of the “Washington Post” newspaper:

– So you won’t express your point of view?

President Tokayev:

– Let me just repeat the main postulates on which our foreign policy is based. We recognize the state borders and the integrity of the territory of any country formed in the world at the moment. In any case, we consider it unacceptable to change these borders by force. I think I’ve made myself clear.

Correspondent of the “Washington Post” newspaper:

– So you are against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?

President Tokayev:

– If you insist so, then yes, I am against resolving the conflict between Russia and Ukraine by sending troops into the territory of a neighboring state.

Correspondent of the “Washington Post” newspaper:

– In that case, do you consider it expedient to counteract this aggression, at least starting with expressing your disagreement with Mr. Putin’s actions?

President Tokayev:

– Before that, I spoke about my limitations as a politician, so I can’t add anything more than what I said.

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