Part 2. Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Correspondent of the newspaper “Alash”:

– Mr. President, well, the referendum has passed, you have achieved your goal: Nursultan Nazarbayev has lost all immunity to justice. What are your next steps? Will you chase him?

President Tokayev:

– You know, Nursultan Nazarbayev has done a lot for the country and for me personally: he promoted me up the career ladder, supported me in my work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in other positions, and, most importantly, he entrusted me with the post of president of the country when he recommended me for the elections in 2019. Therefore, I personally have nothing against Nursultan Abishevich. However, I must say that in the last years of his presidency, I did not quite agree with what he was doing. In this regard, I am not going to be a puppet in anyone’s hands, I will pursue my own policy, but it is not in my plans to avenge something and persecute Nursultan Nazarbayev. If any crimes committed by him become clear, then let him be punished in accordance with the procedure established by law on general grounds. I will neither pursue nor defend him, let everything be according to the law.

Correspondent of the newspaper “Alash”:

– Please tell me, Mr. President, what about the family of Nursultan Nazarbayev and his entourage? Everyone knows that these people have become rich unfairly and now have huge fortunes both at home and abroad. What is your attitude towards them?

President Tokayev:

– In relation to these people, my position is tougher. I also believe that many of the riches that individuals currently own in Kazakhstan have been acquired illegally and unfairly. Therefore, I will make every effort to ensure that the national heritage is returned to the owner, that is, to the people, and invested in the economy of our country. We all know how well countries like ours live, to which fate has sent resources in the form of oil, gas, metals, and we all see that per capita incomes in Kazakhstan are not comparable with those countries. I will make every effort to ensure that the wealth of the country belongs to the people and works for the people.

Correspondent of the newspaper “Deutsche Welle”:

– Please tell me, Mr. President, will the so-called “dispossession” lead to excesses and to the nationalization of the property of all the rich people of Kazakhstan and foreign investors? Will Kazakhstan slide into socialism?

President Tokayev:

– No way. We are adherents of a market economy and liberal values, so there will be no unjustified nationalization in Kazakhstan, domestic and foreign investments will be protected. Anyone understands that without investment protection it is impossible to attract capital to the country, which means it is impossible to achieve prosperity of the country. Therefore, conscientious Kazakhstani and foreign investors and entrepreneurs do not need to be afraid of anything. Private property in Kazakhstan is reliably protected.

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