Все статьи из рубрики "Политика"

European Road Lessons

For many years, I’ve been driving myself around Europe on vacation. Driving on the autobahn there is not a chore but a pleasure.

During this time, I’ve learned several lessons that I’ll share with those who are about to travel the expanses of Europe:

  1. Don’t honk. Honking is considered bad manners here. Only in the most extreme cases should you
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Greatness in relation to those below.

Today, many well-off people have helpers at home: housekeepers, nannies, drivers, security guards, etc.

Different relationships develop between employers and employees.

It happens that the newly-made rich think of themselves as feudal lords (bays) and treat the workers as serfs: arrogant, disdainful, consider them second-class people.

Others treat the assistants almost like family members: respectful, friendly, warm.

The same two …

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Civic Consciousness

Recently, a friend told me that he accidentally woke up in the middle of the night and saw some thieves trying to steal jewelry at the entrance of the shop on the ground floor of their apartment building.

Most people, seeing this, would yawn and go back to sleep. But my friend stuck his head out of the window and …

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Generational Competition

Why does the entourage of an authoritarian leader eventually turn into flatterers and sycophants? Why does this process develop in a geometric progression?

It’s very simple.

In an authoritarian society, the head of state is the sole source of power. Not the people, but him alone. He distributes all goods: high government positions, financial flows in national companies, and natural …

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Kazakh Latin Script

Finally, the public has been presented with a new version of the Kazakh alphabet in Latin script!

I believe that our people have achieved an epic victory over bureaucracy in their effort to please their superiors and have successfully fended off the terrible versions with digraphs and apostrophes.

The presented version looks the most successful of all previously proposed.

We …

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Obedience of criminals.

A young prince turned to his aging father, the Shah, for advice:

“Tell me, father, how can I govern the country after you, to keep the subjects obedient?”

“It’s very simple, my son,” replied the old man, “keep everyone in fear and dependency on you. Start by imposing high taxes on peasants and craftsmen. If a peasant can afford to …

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The temptations of the big city.

Many parents of high school graduates face the question: should they send their child to study in big cities at universities? Many fear that their children won’t resist the temptations of the metropolis, will associate with the wrong crowd, and become drug addicts, alcoholics, and hooligans.

In such cases, I always recall my student life.

I enrolled in the capital’s …

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Animals and cars

Europeans treat their dogs and cats as members of the family, cherish and pamper them, walk with them, bathe them every week, at the slightest concern show them to specialists, and treat cars simply as objects, as a means of transportation.

Kazakhs, on the contrary, treat their cars like members of the family, cherish and pamper them, wash them every …

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