The two main religions in the world, Christianity and Islam, are based on holy scriptures that were supposedly bestowed by God and delivered to people by prophets. But a question arises: why were the prophets specifically Jews and Arabs, why did God choose them as His messengers, and why only them?

The Bible extensively describes the history of the Jewish people up to biblical times, the exploits of the prophets, the death and resurrection of Christ, and so on. Why did God, if He wanted to convey His messages to all people on the planet, choose only one single channel—the Jewish people and Jewish prophets? Why did He describe in the Old Testament and the Bible the history of only one people? Why did He not send His covenants through many prophets of different nationalities in different countries and continents? After all, this would have made the task much easier for Himself (covering a larger audience), His prophets, and the listeners themselves. Religion would have spread much faster if each country had its prophet who spoke the local language, knew the local customs, and conveyed thoughts more understandable to the people around him.

The chosenness of peoples and nationalities from which the prophets, the conduits of God’s will, emerged, casts doubt on the correctness of the world’s arrangement for many people because it makes them unequal before God. Many believers may wonder: why were the Jews chosen by God? Are they better and superior to others? Does this mean that God loves some people more than others, that He singles out some? Does this not violate the fundamental principle of justice and equality among people preached by God Himself in His scriptures?

In this regard, Islam raises even more questions, as unlike Christianity, Islam prohibits interpreting and altering the Quran, considering it immutable and the only source of knowledge and truth.

In that case, the question arises: why did Allah send His thoughts and messages through an Arab, Muhammad, and specifically in one Arabic language? Thus, He greatly restricted the access of the rest of humanity to the Quran, and consequently to Islam. Millions of people on all continents, wishing to embrace Islam, are forced to either learn Arabic, obtain various unauthorized translations not authorized by Allah himself, or simply listen to prayers in a language they do not understand the meaning of, and blindly worship incomprehensible phrases during prayer.

There is another injustice in Islam. In addition to choosing the Arabic language as the sole means of conveying His messages to humanity, Allah’s requirement for the Quran to visit holy places (Mecca and Medina) and perform Hajj raises many questions. Without these rituals, a Muslim cannot be considered a true Muslim and, consequently, cannot count on a place in paradise. Then the question arises: why does a resident of Mecca, to perform Hajj and enter paradise, just need to step outside the gate of his house, while residents of Alaska or Chukotka need to cross the entire globe? Why couldn’t Allah make it so that in any place on Earth, any person had access to the path to the Almighty? Why did Allah create all these difficulties and put people in unequal positions?

Moreover, Allah created another problem for many potential Muslims around the world when He prescribed in the Quran actions that are convenient for Arabs and absolutely inappropriate and even unfulfillable for many other people. For example, the Quran explicitly states that during fasting, one can consume food only in the light of the sun. However, in extreme northern and southern latitudes of the Earth, day and night last for several months. It turns out that a Muslim must not eat anything for several months until the sun sets below the horizon. This is an impossible condition. It turns out that inhabitants of these latitudes cannot fulfill the requirement and observe fasting, so they are deliberately put in an unequal position compared to people living in other latitudes.

Could Allah, if He exists, allow such injustice towards His creations, that is, create very favorable conditions for some and place others in extremely disadvantageous positions?

Another inconsistency in Islam is that many things are prescribed for the Arab world and this specific region (Saudi Arabia). In particular, sacrificial animals mentioned in the Quran are those that lived in this region at the time of writing the Quran, such as sheep, horses, camels, and so on. There are no mentions in the Quran of domestic animals of other peoples, such as reindeer among the Chukchi or llamas among the inhabitants of Ecuador.

All these inconsistencies and omissions only indicate that the author of the Quran is not a supernatural being who created and knew about the diversity of the world, but ordinary people who lived at that time and in that place, operating with the concepts available to them. This once again proves the absence of God and that the authors of the “holy” scriptures are ordinary people.

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