Sometimes a good intention leads to the opposite result.

I remember when I was about 5 years old, I saw that the postman carried newspapers in our five-story building only to the second floor and put them in mailboxes there.

“But what about the residents of the upper floors?” – I thought and decided to do a good deed. I pulled the newspapers out of the mailboxes and delivered them personally to each neighbor from the upper floors. Many people welcomed me cordially and praised my initiative. At that moment, I was really happy with the feeling of being needed by people and the benefits brought to them.

This went on for several days.

And then I was sometimes met by dissatisfied faces. Sometimes my visit was inappropriate, irritated someone. Finally, one day one of the neighbors hinted to my mother that not all newspapers reach them through me.

When I heard that, I almost burst into tears. “How is it,” I thought, “I wanted to benefit people, and I am suspected of stealing newspapers?!”.

Now every time I try to do something good, and in response I get misunderstanding and even discontent and aggression, I remember those newspapers.

Probably his own fault.

We must be prepared for this.

Even the best intentions sometimes unexpectedly lead to the opposite result.

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