Imagine living in an Islamic country, for example, Saudi Arabia. You have your own rules and customs that are hundreds of years old, and you strictly adhere to them.

One day, refugees from another country, for example, Israel, come to your country. They ask for your help, appealing to your human compassion and humanity. They say there is a war in their homeland, and they face death there. You feel sorry for the unfortunate people and take them into your country.

At first, a hundred arrive, then a thousand, and then hundreds of thousands. Gradually, they cope with the initial stress, recover, adapt, and begin to feel more confident. And then one fine day, the leader of these refugees declares that, according to their religion, it is forbidden to work on Saturdays. He demands a ban on work in shops, hairdressers, restaurants, and all service sectors in the country on that day.

Local citizens—Arabs—are perplexed, saying that such traditions are not typical for their country and that, on the contrary, refugees should adapt to local laws and customs. However, the Jews claim that their faith knows no state boundaries, and local residents, by working on Saturdays, offend their religious feelings. The newcomers organize pickets and demonstrations, which turn into riots. They declare that they will not tolerate disrespect for their religion and will make everyone respect it.

In response to this, protesting against such arrogance and violation of their interests, local Arab entrepreneurs continue to work on Saturdays. They demonstratively open the doors of their establishments and invite customers.

Seeing this, angry crowds of Jews come to such establishments, smash them, break windows, and set them on fire. Later, in one of the cities of Saudi Arabia, another Jewish radical bursts into a school and kills a teacher who dared to speak about Judaism and the Torah without due respect.

Absurd situation, isn’t it?

Now let’s consider a similar, but real situation in another part of the world, in Europe.

Similarly, a few years ago, hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Middle East and North Africa arrived there in search of salvation and a better life. Europeans accepted them out of humanity. And after some time, the Muslim diaspora becomes so strong and settled that it begins to impose its orders on the local residents. For example, it insists that no one should criticize or speak negatively about Islam and the Prophet Muhammad, and that the Quran should be respected and revered in any form.

Many Europeans do not like this. They say they live in their country and have the right to set their own rules here. Some Europeans, in protest, try to draw caricatures of Muhammad, and some even demonstratively burn the Quran. The only thing they want to convey is not that they do not like Islam or the Quran, but that in free Europe all religions are equal, and none can be more sacred or untouchable. If in the current European culture it is customary to treat God and the prophet Jesus lightly, to draw cartoons of them, to joke about them, and to treat the Bible as an ordinary book, then why can’t they do this with Islam and the Quran? This is what outrages many Europeans.

What would you do if refugees came to your country and after some time began to impose their orders on you?

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