They say that a complete coincidence in views with another person is as unlikely as finding your complete double.

But still. Suddenly you exist, my mental double. Answer me!

Here are my signs by which you will recognize me:

1. I am a Liberal Democrat.

I am for individual freedom in society, for freedom of speech and for the power of the people. I am for the real electability of the government and its regular turnover. I am for market relations in the economy and for real competition in everything.

2. I am an atheist.

I don’t believe in God. I believe in the infinity of the universe in space and time. I trust only the laws of physics, chemistry, biology and other sciences. But at the same time, I am tolerant of believers, because I am a Liberal Democrat (see paragraph 1).

3. I am an internationalist.

I believe that people of all races and nationalities are equal in rights. I stand for friendship between them.

4. I am a nationalist.

I stand for the development of culture, traditions, and the language of my nationality. But at the same time, I in no way consider her superior or better than other nationalities. I recognize that all people have the same right to develop their nationalities as I do.

5. I am for women’s emancipation.

I believe that women should be equal in all civil rights with men. There should be no inequality at the household level. There should be no slaughtered female slaves and there should be no husbands-masters (unless the wives themselves do not want it).

6. I am for polygamy and polyandry.

If the husband and wife themselves want to accept a second wife or husband into the family, and if the third family member agrees, then they should have the right to do so. Even if there are two, three or four wives or husbands. And Islam has nothing to do with it. I am in favor of this for reasons of freedom.

7. I am against the “scoop”.

By “scoop” I mean the restriction of individual freedom in favor of total control and governance of the state, the desire to shift responsibility for their fate to the state, intolerance of dissent, xenophobia, envy of the wealth of other people, the desire to equalize.

8. I am against dictators.

Dictators justify their power with an imaginary “stability”. They promise citizens peace and security in return for freedom. Dictators are looking for enemies inside and outside the country in order to unite people around them. For the sake of preserving their power, dictators will do anything, even murder their fellow citizens and go to war with fraternal peoples.

9. I am for tolerance and respect for the rights of minorities.

This applies to all minorities: sexual, national, religious, etc.

10. I am for good traditions.

I like such traditions as hospitality, respect for parents and elders, caring for the infirm, mutual assistance (Asar). We must preserve such traditions and pass them on to our descendants.

I don’t like such traditions as blood feuds, forcible abduction of brides, lavish toi and commemorations. We need to get rid of such traditions.

11. I am for a healthy lifestyle.

I do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, do not eat fatty, fried, do sports. I want our society to have a cult of a healthy lifestyle, there are more educated and healthy citizens.

12. I am a cynic and a pragmatist.

I sincerely believe that everything a person does in this life, he does for himself. His interests may coincide with the interests of others, or they may contradict. Where his interests coincide with the interests of society, he should be encouraged. For example, a person wants to be rich by doing business. Great! Let him study, let him produce products and create jobs. By indulging the beneficial interests of the individual, society wins. But if the interests of an individual contradict the public interests, he must be punished. For example, if someone wants to get rich by robbery, they should be put in jail.

Is there at least one person who completely coincides with me in their views?

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