Part 3. Bloody January.

Correspondent of the newspaper “Current time”:

– Mr. President, in a conversation with you in 2022, I think you understand that we cannot ignore the topic of the January events. Therefore, let me ask a few direct questions on this topic. Tell me, please, so what did happen in January in Almaty?

President Tokayev:

– In January 2022, a coup attempt was made in Almaty. A certain group of people tried to oust me as the current head of state and establish their power. Fortunately, they did not succeed.

Correspondent of the newspaper “Present time”:

– Fortunately for you or for Kazakhstan?

President Tokayev:

– I think that fortunately for the people of Kazakhstan. As you know, on the eve of the bloody events, this group of people gave me the opportunity to voluntarily leave my post and leave the country. I could spend the rest of my life in peace and well-being. However, I risked everything and rejected this offer. I considered it my duty to stay with my people, who chose me and entrusted their fate into my hands. Moreover, you know perfectly well what kind of group of people it is, and what views it held. I am sure that in case of their victory in January 2022, a strict dictatorship with a religious tinge would be established in Kazakhstan. I sincerely believe that Kazakhstan has escaped a very difficult.

fate. Therefore, I think that the denouement of the January events is the success of the entire people of Kazakhstan.

Correspondent of the newspaper “Azattyk”:

– However, not all Kazakhstanis think so, Mr. President. Especially those whose children were killed by bullets, as well as relatives and friends of honest citizens who came to a peaceful rally in January 2022. Many Kazakhstanis believe that with no good intentions and good deeds you will not be able to rehabilitate yourself in the eyes of Kazakhstanis for that ill-fated order to “shoot to kill”. Do you still think that step was justified? Do you regret anything?

President Tokayev:

– Yes… I have something to say about this… I’m just… – the president gets up from his chair and walks to the center of the cabinet. He stands right in front of the camera and says, looking into the camera:

– I, Tokayev Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, officially apologize to all the people of Kazakhstan and to the relatives and friends of the innocent victims of the January events of 2022.

I sincerely regret that my order was executed in a way that led to accidental casualties. I am aware that this situation was used by some inadequate law enforcement officers and the armed forces to satisfy their unhealthy inclinations, and I, as the president of the country and as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, had to foresee such consequences, so I take the blame for the victims of the January events entirely on myself.

Journalists get up from their seats and listen to the president in silence. The president returns to his seat, sits in a chair, adjusts his suit and drinks water.

Correspondent of the newspaper “365info”:

– Mr. President, allow me to express my admiration and gratitude to you. I think none of us expected such repentance and such sincere words of regret from you, and such responsibility to the people. I think you deserve compliments.

Other journalists:

– I agree.

– Yes.

– I support it.

Journalist of the newspaper “365info”:

– Mr. President, allow me to continue.

President Tokayev:

– Yes.

Correspondent of the newspaper “365info”:

– Mr. President, if you recognize the illegal victims of those events, what does it mean? What happens next?

President Tokayev:

– This means the following: first of all, all innocent victims of those events, I emphasize, innocent victims, will be compensated as much as possible by the state. Of course, we cannot restore people’s lives and health, but at least we will do everything to make the lives of their family members and loved ones better.

Secondly, a thorough investigation will be conducted and specific people guilty of illegally shooting civilians will be identified. When I gave the order to shoot aggressively minded and armed rioters, I absolutely did not mean the cold-blooded shooting in the head of small children and unarmed people calmly walking down the street or driving in their cars. It is quite obvious that these shots were not made by conscientious executors of the order, but by absolutely inadequate people with a thirst for blood and with sadistic tendencies. These people will be found and brought to justice to the fullest extent of the law. I will not offend those law enforcement officers who honestly executed my order and who defended order. Who, even if they were shooting, was shooting at obviously armed and aggressive people. But I’m not going to cover up real criminals and murderers who shot children and peaceful citizens for their own pleasure.

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