Все статьи из рубрики "Без рубрик"

Our attitude to Russian startups.

Recently, the number of Russian startups has increased in our “sales funnel”. This is understandable. The Russian economy is experiencing a crisis due to the war, the threat of mobilization has driven many businessmen and startups out of the country, including quite adequate, talented entrepreneurs. They are trying to find a use for their powers in a more predictable and …

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How to evaluate the startup team?

Part 2.

Having an undisputed leader. An important criterion for assessing the maturity and stability of a team is the presence of an obvious leader whose superiority is not contested by anyone. It is often observed that in a team, two or even three people consider themselves equal founders and leaders. My practice shows that this is a future conflict …

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The demonopolization of the economy. Electronic school diaries.

Part 1. Software in the field of general education.

Digitalization should undoubtedly penetrate the school system. Schoolchildren should learn to use electronic textbooks from the first grade, learn from them, write on electronic boards, draw graphic pictures in electronic programs, and also have to do homework and inform parents about their progress through an electronic diary.

Our Ministry of Education …

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– Dad, here you are teaching me to be noble. And what is this, in general, nobility? What does it mean to be noble?

– You know, son, I don’t remember what they write about it in dictionaries, but I personally deduced for myself this formula: nobility is not using one’s advantage to the detriment of other people.

– How …

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Authoritarian regimes against the West.

What do North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, Belarus and other similar countries have in common?

All these countries are united by hatred of the United States and the Western way of life, that is, liberal democratic values. Why? What is the pattern here?

Maybe these are the countries of the East, and we are talking about the eternal confrontation between …

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Corruption and democracy.

For many years, Kazakhstanis have been suffering from corruption in the country and demand to eradicate or at least reduce it. But all these calls are aimed only at fighting the consequences, not the causes. It’s like weeding the leaves of a weed without uprooting the root of the plant itself.

In fact, corruption is a direct consequence of the …

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The attitude of Kazakhstanis to visiting Russians.

After the announcement of mobilization by Russian President Putin on September 21, a mass of Russians who did not agree to fight with Ukraine poured into Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan has an ambiguous attitude to this phenomenon.

Some Kazakhstanis are dissatisfied with this. And they have reasons for that.


Genetic fear of dissolving into a more numerous nationality. Kazakhs, being nomads, …

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The influence of the crowd on the judges.

In our society, situations periodically arise when one or another public figure stands up for a participant in the trial or, conversely, “runs over” him. At this time, voices are heard that citizens do not have the right to discuss trials before the court’s decision (verdict), as well as after.

I don’t agree with that.

The right to discuss the …

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Criticism of religion. The omniscience of God.

All the holy scriptures that have come down to us (the Torah, the Bible, the Koran, etc.) state that God is omniscient, that is, he knows (knows) about everything that has happened, is happening and will happen on earth, in the water, in heaven.

Moreover, he himself created all things on Earth and himself predetermined their fate.

Therefore, he knows …

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