Все статьи из рубрики "Политика"

To the civil service-through the “back door”.

“Public procurement in our country has become synonymous with corruption.

However, there is another area that is subject to abuse, no less than tenders. This is the procedure for entering the civil service.

It would seem that the procedure for admission to state bodies is described in detail by laws and regulations. They even provide video recording of the interview. …

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Nationalism – good or evil?

     The national theme is relevant in Kazakhstan today.

     And, probably, will be relevant as long as there live many nationalities, that is always.

     People argue with foam at the mouth, but often use the same words, giving them different meaning or different emotional tinge.

     Let’s take the word “nationalism”.

     Some …

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Authoritarianism is a source of corruption.

Corruption is rampant only in a closed, opaque state apparatus.

The closeness of the state apparatus is possible only under an authoritarian regime.

An authoritarian regime is possible in the absence of political competition and democracy.

Therefore, it is useless to fight corruption in an authoritarian state, because some corrupt officials will be replaced by other corrupt officials.

We need …

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An interview that didn’t happen.

Part 8. Language issue.

Correspondent of the “Medusa” edition:

– Mr. President, returning to the relations between Kazakhstan and Russia, please tell me, do you, as the president of the country, feel the growth of anti-Russian sentiment in Kazakhstan, what is happening all over the world now? Are you aware of the activity of the national patriots of Kazakhstan, in …

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An interview that didn’t happen.

Part 7. Defense of the country.

Correspondent of the “BBC”:

– Please tell me, Mr. President, even if you take a neutral position towards Russia, do you consider the threat of Russia’s invasion of Kazakhstan to be real? We can see from Mr. Putin’s rhetoric that he sees his mission in the reconstruction of the “great Russian empire”, including as …

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An interview that didn’t happen.

Part 4. Democratization.

Correspondent of the newspaper “Radio Liberty”:

– Mr. President, what about those hundreds of people who indiscriminately fell under the repressive punishment machine and are now in pre-trial detention centers? People are tortured and forced to confess. You do understand that in those days there were mostly respectable citizens on the square who came to demand changes, …

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Potential enemies.

Do you know what a terrible thought I realized today?

Here I have a neighbor living in my entrance, a frankly pro-Putin comrade. He has a St. George ribbon in his car, he supports the war in Ukraine on social networks and believes that Russia is defending its interests there before the West, that it was forced, that if it …

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A conversation with an Italian about Ukraine and Russia

I recently talked to an Italian friend. He is keenly interested in politics and, in particular, the situation around Ukraine. For him, as for a European, a lot is unclear, so he bombarded me with questions.

– I absolutely do not understand the psychology and logic of Mr. Putin, – he tells me, – here you are, Marat, closer to …

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