I was approached by an old friend of mine and asked to support her in the fight against casinos and sweepstakes in our country. She experienced the full horror of the consequences of the work of these institutions, because she almost lost her son. He is a gambling addict, lost all his property, his wife and children left him, and now he is being treated.

I understand my friend. This is a great grief for any mother. Her hope and support – her only son-was reduced to a pitiful, helpless creature.

I myself hate gambling establishments, because they destroy the psyche, give rise to the desire to get rich quickly without difficulty. In fact, it is a psychological poison that poisons the souls of thousands of people in our society.

But as a liberal, I can’t support her position. I believe that any activity that does not involve violence against other people, that does not violate their rights and freedoms, should not be banned.

To play or not to play is a personal matter for each person. We, as a society, have no right to interfere with its right to choose. My attitude to casinos and sweepstakes is similar to that of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. I consider them harmful and harmful for every person, but I do not consider myself entitled to force people to spoil their own health, their psyche and their future. Let everyone determine their own destiny.

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