Olympic medal ranking.

     I do not know why, but in the unspoken Olympic medal ranking, the ratings are made exclusively for gold medals (see the attached file for the arrangement of countries at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics). Even the total number of medals is not taken into account. So, China, which won 70 medals, is only in the third place, …

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The Black Hundreds.

     At the beginning of the last century, a phenomenon such as the “Black Hundreds” developed in Russia.

     Initially, it meant an informal movement of Russian chauvinists and anti-Semites who aggressively oppressed Jews and enemies of the monarchy.

     Over time, the meaning of this word has changed, but personally in my perception, the “Black Hundreds” …

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Dear friends.

     The transition of the Kazakh alphabet to the Latin alphabet excited all of our society. Citizens actively joined in its discussion. Now there are already several variants of the alphabet on the Internet. Analyzing almost all of them, I came to the conclusion that the dispute is only about a few letters that convey Kazakh specific sounds. The …

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Dear friends.

     I am interested in the development of the Kazakh language for a long time. I know four languages ​​at different levels: Russian, Kazakh, English, Italian. Multilingualism expanded my horizons of vision, allowed me to catch some patterns and typical problems of different languages.

     In this regard, I decided to take the liberty of proposing for discussion …

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Three variants of Kazakh Latin.

While the state authorities racing each other change the signs in a new Latin alphabet and the publishers publish books overnight, the people still hope for the cancellation of the apostrophes. I was included in several groups in WhatsApp and in Messenger, where with great enthusiasm a discussion of various variants of the Latin alphabet are conducted. The debates are …

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Lack of knowledge.

Knowledge has one drawback which is about its impossibility to get rid of them.

If you once found out that the Earth is round, you can torture or even burn, you can refuse or pretend, but somewhere deep down you will still know that “and yet it spins.”Это изображение имеет пустой атрибут alt; его имя файла - 29134078_1754060974654987_4975545726370054144_n.jpg

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Persistence as a sign of reliability.

        I do not like people, who hide or often change phone numbers, who do not display avatars, who do not show their presence on the network, who disable the signal of reading messages.

       There is some kind of secrecy, cunning, slipperiness.

       I do not trust such people.

       I like honest, open, direct guys.…

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Indulgent attitude to miracles.

        It seems to me that sane religious people in the 21st century tolerate such “sacred phenomena” as “self-igniting” fire in a lamp, “myrrh-streaming” icons, “holy” water, etc.

       They understand that all these phenomena have a prosaic explanation, not without human touch behind the scenes. But they look at it with a wise smile, as if …

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Not gloomy Islam.

I wistfully note that in our society tension between Muslims and other citizens sometimes arises. Many people associate Muslims with gloomy people who fanatically repeat their prayers and are incapable of thinking about anything other than about the literal fulfillment of the Koran postulates and intense tracking of others. Such people usually wear long beards and are dressed in short… Read more
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The blogger’s destiny.

I’ll become a blogger, “he decided. – I will write what I want and when I want, and people will admire me, love me, ingratiate, will depend on my opinion, mood and small whims.

And so he became a blogger, he just did not notice how he began to fawn in front of his readers, how he began to depend …

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