I regret to note that in our society there is sometimes tension between Muslims and other citizens.

Many ordinary people associate Muslims with sullen people who fanatically repeat their prayers and are unable to think about anything other than the literal fulfillment of the postulates of the Koran and zealous monitoring of others. Such people usually wear long beards and wear short pants or a black burqa.

Such an image of Muslims, of course, does not add sympathy for them from others. Accordingly, it does not make our society more tolerant and comfortable.

Although I am an atheist, I always advocate tolerance between people of different views on religion. I dream of a friendly relationship between Muslims and Christians, Buddhists and atheists, everyone.

But how to achieve this?

For example, I try to convince others with words.

And there are those who go the other way. By their example, they are changing the image of Muslims, and especially Muslim women, in our society.

One day they ask very simple questions: “Why should Muslim women always be serious? Not to joke, not to laugh, not to sing, not to dance, not to enjoy life? Why do they have to wear a black hijab or burqa? Why can’t they, observing the laws of religion, covering the body from prying eyes, look beautiful, cheerful, feminine at the same time?”.

So they have the idea of wearing Muslim clothes in a modern style, more relaxed, free, but, nevertheless, it is in Muslim.

And now on the streets of our cities you can meet girls in modern Muslim clothes.

I hope that beautifully dressed Muslim women will change the opinion of others about them and about all Islam for the better.

Islam is not a gloomy religion!

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