Все статьи из рубрики "Общество"

why develop the Kazakh language?

What is the benefit of developing the Kazakh language if it is not widespread in the world, if no scientific discoveries are made in it, and no world literary masterpieces are written in it?

When we talk about the development of the state language in any country, the question of rationality is not entirely applicable here. Language is a powerful …

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What is patriotism?
It is the unity of people based on citizenship.

How did patriotism arise and why is it needed?
Millions of years ago, starting from ape-like ancestors, humans have been social creatures living in packs, tribes, and clans. People realized that surviving and overcoming natural phenomena and enemies was easier together than alone. Later, they understood that even …

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Ұлтшылдық-бұл адамдардың этникалық тегіне негізделген қауымдастық.

Ұлтшылдық қалай және не себепті пайда болды?

Бұл құбылыс миллиондаған жылдар бұрын, біздің ата – бабаларымыздан, үйір жануарлардан, кейінірек қарабайыр адамдардан бастау алады. Сол кездің өзінде олар отарда, тайпаларда, руларда ұжымдық өмір сүрудің пайдасын түсінді. Бұл өз аумағын басқа топтардан қорғауды, ірі жануарларға шабуыл жасауды жеңілдетеді және т.б.

Сондықтан генетикалық деңгейдегі адам әлеуметтік мінез-құлыққа, …

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Interests of the player and the team.

I am the captain of a football team and sometimes I have to select players to participate in competitions. Since there are always more volunteers than places on the team, unpleasant situations often arise when I have to exclude someone from the main lineup. Recently, one of my friends complained, “Why didn’t you take me to the competition? We’re old …

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To the civil service-through the “back door”.

“Public procurement in our country has become synonymous with corruption.

However, there is another area that is subject to abuse, no less than tenders. This is the procedure for entering the civil service.

It would seem that the procedure for admission to state bodies is described in detail by laws and regulations. They even provide video recording of the interview. …

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Authoritarianism is a source of corruption.

Corruption is rampant only in a closed, opaque state apparatus.

The closeness of the state apparatus is possible only under an authoritarian regime.

An authoritarian regime is possible in the absence of political competition and democracy.

Therefore, it is useless to fight corruption in an authoritarian state, because some corrupt officials will be replaced by other corrupt officials.

We need …

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Flexibility of Body and Character

I’ve noticed an interesting pattern: the flexibility of a person’s body is directly related to the flexibility of their character.

For example, I have a friend who seems like he swallowed a stick. He has a slim and straight body, but it’s difficult for him to bend, lean, or twist: his torso seems to be frozen. His character is the …

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Human behavior is based on two basic instincts inherent in it genetically: the instinct of survival and the instinct of reproduction. These are fundamental instincts that are inherent in all living organisms existing in nature and thanks to which they have been preserved and developed.

People, as highly developed and highly organized beings, in the course of the evolution and …

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