Все статьи из рубрики "Общество"

Animals and cars

Europeans treat their dogs and cats as members of the family, cherish and pamper them, walk with them, bathe them every week, at the slightest concern show them to specialists, and treat cars simply as objects, as a means of transportation.

Kazakhs, on the contrary, treat their cars like members of the family, cherish and pamper them, wash them every …

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Sensitivity is a sign of weakness.

Getting offended by Borat’s satirical movies about Kazakhstan is both funny and unworthy of an enlightened person.

In general, being easily offended is a trait of those who are weak-spirited. A strong, self-assured person will simply smile at a joke directed at them and move on. They know their worth, and a sarcastic jab won’t shake their confidence. If there’s …

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A craftsman and an entrepreneur

A craftsman is a person who personally creates value with their own hands.

For example, a shoemaker who repairs customers ‘ shoes himself is a craftsman. Or a programmer who writes programs himself is a craftsman.

An entrepreneur is a person who organizes the process of creating value.

For example, a shoemaker who decided to expand his business, hired several …

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A war that changes human souls.

War is an amazing thing.

More recently, among my subscribers there were both Armenians and Azerbaijanis. Each of them individually is a completely adequate, cultured, educated person. They entered into discussions with me on various philosophical topics. In some ways they agreed, in others, they diverged. It was normal human communication.

But then the war happened. Azerbaijan is at war …

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Workflow of the Investment Committee at “Activat” Company

I periodically publish news about investing in another startup. Many of my colleagues, investors, and surely startup founders often have questions like: “How are investment decisions made? How thoroughly are startups analyzed? What is the procedure for review and decision-making?” I believe these questions are of interest to many, so I’ve decided to openly share how we operate.

Firstly, all …

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