There are so many beautiful, kind, pure people around us!
But we will never know about them, because they are silent and do not reveal.
They are silent, when someone curses next to their children.
They …
Read moreThere are so many beautiful, kind, pure people around us!
But we will never know about them, because they are silent and do not reveal.
They are silent, when someone curses next to their children.
They …
Read moreI think that every official should periodically leave the civil service.
Firstly, in order to experience the delights of the official’s bureaucracy.
And secondly, in order to earn some kind of capital and then work for the state without a second thought.
A “hungry” …
Read moreThe inevitable stages of industry development are as follows:
We sell raw materials – we buy goods (banana republic);
We sell raw materials – we buy goods and equipment;
We sell raw materials and goods – we buy equipment and …
Read moreIf an official helps private companies within the law and free of charge, then this is normal. If he does something extra for particular company, even for free, it’s not right.
For example, when I was in the civil service, I was often asked by my acquaintances to help win public procurement …
Read moreResponsible freedom of speech – you can say anything, but a person should be responsible for slander.
Full freedom of speech – you can say anything, even slander, but if you say untruth, you simply lose your credibility and the trust of others.
Responsible freedom of speech is most acceptable for young and developing …
Read moreBasically, I am against monarchies.
The monarchy violates the fundamental principle of social organization: the equality of citizens at birth.
Why are some people surrounded by wealth, attention and respect from birth to death regardless of their mental, moral …
Read moreOne of the internal circulars of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
Dear colleagues.
The title of civil servant imposes a great responsibility on us. To serve the state means to serve the people. We are public servants. We …
Read moreI noticed that during the dispersal of demonstrations and suppression of riots in European countries, policemen do not touch journalists.
I think this is the right thing.
When the police does its’ work honestly and professionally, it has nothing to hide from the cameras, that …
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