Все статьи из рубрики "Society"


           I could never understand people who don’t  perceive criticism.

          They resenting at any comments in their address; zealously watch, so that no one will allow himself a caustic cue in their back; on any unflattering statement are ready to pounce with fists or maliciously fend off: “Look at yourself.”


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Restaurant vigilance.

    When I was with my family in Paris, somehow went to the bakery Paul on the Champs Elysees, took a baguette, croissants, and went to the nearby Starbucks cafe (where coffee is tastier). We sat and had breakfast.

    Suddenly we remember that the last year we brought friends delicious gifts from Paris. They were invited to a …

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Others’ mistakes.

     Why are people so happy about other people’s mistakes and defeats? Especially about those of famous people.

     I think this is a subconscious excuse for their own weaknesses.

     It’s nice to think “I’m not perfect, but who is ideal? Look, even the great ones make slips! Why would I be held accountable?”


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Wealth is for show

               My friend’s son studies at one of the Czech universities.

               Recently she went to visit him. She decided to lavish her son’s classmates, mostly Czechs, with Kazakh national dishes, and served a dinner in the dormitory. Before the feast, the son suddenly said to his mother: …

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“Masters” and “servants”

         Today, many well-off people have assistants at their homes: housekeepers, nannies, personal drivers, security guards, etc.

         Relationships that develop between employers and employees can be different.

         Some newly-made rich people think of themselves as feudal lords (bais) and treat their employees as serfs: arrogantly, disparagingly, as third-rate people.…

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Types of waiters.

       I divide all waiters conditionally into 4 types: “gentlemen”, “servants”, “robots” and “friends.”

       “Gentlemen” behave arrogantly, they talk unwillingly, through their teeth, have an impenetrable face. In the past during the Soviet Union, with the supremacy of sellers over consumers, majority of the waiters was like that. Now they are extremely rare, except in

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Types of wives.

       There are different types of wives. I would mention out the following 10 types of wives in their relationship with their husbands.

       1. Wife-companion.

       This is a wife who is engaged in one thing with her husband, shares his views and actions. In difficult times she can even replace her husband in his post.


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“White” and “black” envy.

       When people hear about the achievements of other people, many have a feeling of envy.

       But some people have “black” envy, which strangles them from within and poisons their lives. It whispers to them that they are losers. Then, in their justification, they begin to look for shortcomings in the objects of their envy and with joyful relief find them …

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Victory Day.

Every year on May 9 Kazakhstan celebrates Victory Day.

However, recently the significance of this holiday began to cause many doubts.

I’ll try to understand each of them.

1. Was there any Patriotic war in general? World War II is known throughout the world. It was named Patriotic for propaganda purposes in the Soviet Union.

Yes, I agree. The same …

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Dates of holidays.

The Day of Defenders of the Fatherland is celebrated in Kazakhstan on May 7.

Did you wonder why May 7?

What happened on this day?

Maybe the great Kazakh batyrs won some kind of historic victory over the Jungars? Or Amangeldy’s emancipating forces heroically died on this day? Or was there a turning point in the World War II on …

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