National external signs

         When I’m abroad on vacation, my favorite occupation is to get settled somewhere in a cafe at a table in a crowded street, watch people from all over the world and guess their nationality.

         Here, for example, there is a family of tall blondes: red faces, light hair, lots of children, weather. …

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Religious holidays

            On the eve of Christmas and New Year, I often hear from the newly minted Muslims (that is, those who have recently become so) calls not to celebrate these holidays, to boycott them.

            It is sad to hear this.

            I understand that …

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Own way.

     Recently, at a meeting with the youth, I was asked: “What main message could you give to young people?”

     What is the question! It is similar to the question of the meaning of life.

     I thought about it and replied “The main conclusion of life, which I made to my years, is this: Everything …

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Ode to intermediaries.

      In our society there is a negative attitude towards the so-called intermediaries. They are blamed for rising prices, fabulous and unjustified incomes and many other sins.

      I want to say a few words in their defense.

      What is an intermediary? It is an entrepreneur who buys products from manufacturers and sells …

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Independence from habits.

       Most of all I love freedom and do not want to be dependent on anything.

       In order not to become addicted, I do not use drugs.

       In order not to feel the need for alcohol to lift the mood and emancipation, I do not drink alcohol. I can have fun without …

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     I do not believe in different types of superstition.

     I cannot understand how three grams of saliva emitted by me through left shoulder could change trajectory of brick, which is going to fall on my head around the corner. 

     What is the connection between them?!

     Or which troubles can a grandmother with …

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             I do not smoke myself. And I cannot even stand tobacco smoke.

             But I’m not against smokers. I am for freedom. If they like to poison, pollute their lungs, get cancer, then for God’s sake. This is their choice. But!…

             If smokers …

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           When penalty is imposed at work, some blame superiors, colleagues, subordinates.

           But, I think that the person is to blame in all his/her troubles.

           If the person were an ideal worker, what would be the point of punishing him?

           If …

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Money. Fame. Power.


          If you work hard to earn money and spend it on buying a house or a car, or on travels, then, most likely, you will not become a millionaire. If money is not your goal, but only a means, an instrument with which you can make astonishing deals, build …

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Banks and credits

             Do I need to borrow money from banks?

             I believe that it is necessary.


             Because without a loan, no business is possible.

             No, of course, you can buy an …

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