Mind and strength.

     Once a man broke a car. He invited the master. Master carefully examined the car and said to the owner: “Take a sledgehammer and knock here,” and pointed to where. The owner struck the sledgehammer at the specified place and the machine worked.

    After a while, the car broke down again. The man thought: “Why should I …

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Instruction of the civil servant

             One of the internal circulars of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

             Dear colleagues.

             The title of civil servant imposes a great responsibility on us. To serve the state means to serve the people. We are public servants. We …

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About the dangers of a meteoric career.

       I used to think that appointing young people to high positions is a guarantee of progress. I myself was young and thought that the old grumblers did not let us move forward out of envy.

       But now I see that power, like fame and money, is a serious test for the unsteady psyche. If …

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Refusal of friendship

         If a person does not want to be friends with you, it’s not his fault. The most foolish thing in this situation that you can do is to resent him, take revenge, and find fault with him. After he refused to you in friendship, he did not become worse than he was before. So the problem …

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Revenge and forgiveness

             With age, I observe the transformation of my consciousness. I used to think that revenge is a thing that you can devote your entire life to. Probably because revenge is a restored justice (in your own opinion). But one day I read these words: “The weak takes revenge, the strong forgives” and realized that …

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The cohesion of capital and power.

     Do you remember Karl Marx’s “oligarchic capitalism – the merging of power and capital”? Sometimes I notice its signs in our country. Large businessmen are so close to akims that they begin to dictate their terms to them: to promote their proteges to the posts of district akims, to lobby the construction of roads to their facilities, to …

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Police and journalists

          I noticed that during the dispersal of demonstrations and suppression of riots in European countries, policemen do not touch journalists.

          I think this is the right thing.

          When the police does its’ work honestly and professionally, it has nothing to hide from the cameras, that …

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