I do not like or participate in any lotteries.
Because the lottery gives the wrong signal to the brain: you can quickly enrich, not working, without putting any effort, just guessing the numbers.
Moreover, the …
Read moreI do not like or participate in any lotteries.
Because the lottery gives the wrong signal to the brain: you can quickly enrich, not working, without putting any effort, just guessing the numbers.
Moreover, the …
Read moreWhen I was with my family in Paris, somehow went to the bakery Paul on the Champs Elysees, took a baguette, croissants, and went to the nearby Starbucks cafe (where coffee is tastier). We sat and had breakfast.
Suddenly we remember that the last year we brought friends delicious gifts from Paris. They were invited to a …
Read moreThis is how I see the national and linguistic model of Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan will remain a multinational state. No one will be expelled or oppressed on a national or racial basis. A person does not choose his or her nationality at birth, therefore nationality itself can not be the basis for exaltation or humiliation of anyone.…
Read moreWhat is “hype”?
This is a foreign word, meaning agiotage, stormy discussion, mass discussion, scandal, intrusive advertising, emotional arousal, etc.
There is commercial, social and political hype.
A commercial hype is raised to arouse interest in some product, person or company. For example, a good hype was played in Kazakhstan a year ago as …
Read more I notice how veganism is gaining popularity in Europe.
Veganism is not only and not so much a rejection of products of animal origin, but rather a philosophy of life.
If vegetarians believe that animals can not be killed for food and clothing, then the vegans went even further. They believe that animals (in the broad sense of the …
Read moreRecently an acquaintance went to her small Motherland – to one of the regional centers of Kazakhstan.
She got there on a celebration; her relatives celebrated the enrolment of a son in the first grade. It was not a wedding, not an anniversary. Simply, the son goes to school.
But in what a grandiose …
Read moreAbroad, the most striking difference is the relationship between parents and children.
Our former fellow citizens (I do not know which republics they are from, but they speak Russian) beat their children, shout at them, humiliate them in front of people. I have never seen such scenes from anyone else. Even among representatives of poor African …
Read moreWhen someone says that he did not have time to call you, it does not mean that he did not really have time. It just means that you do not have a priority. If a person actually wants to call you, then he will sacrifice a conversation with another person, watching TV, digging in social networks, lunch, dinner, …
Read moreThere is a line in popularity, which in case it is gone over, a celebrity can talk and do whatever he/she wants. Any of his actions will be taken by loyal fans to cheer. Even outright nonsense. In this drivel, they will seek and find a deep meaning and genius.
The same words uttered by an …
Read moreEvery year on Kurban Ait hundreds of thousands of Muslims in our country in one day, slaughter thousands of heads of livestock: sheep, horses, and cows.
I have nothing against the rite itself. Its original meaning was to help others, to do good to people. This emphasizes the humanity of Islam.
Nevertheless, have you …
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