The last time when I’ve been in Milan, I noticed that more graffiti appeared on the walls and thus, the city seemed dirtier and more unsatisfactory. I asked one taxi driver what was wrong. He, like all taxi drivers knew the answers to all the questions and thus, has willingly told me that it …
Read moreEurope’s mild climate.
- 16 May 2015 - 15:50
- #democracy #society #West

In Europe, two friends can go together, one wearing flip-flops, the other – wearing boots. And it’s not just that the climate here is mild, but that there is a common mild atmosphere of tolerance for others. Nobody cares what you are wearing: a tuxedo or rags. Nobody will condemn you, discuss or make comments. This is …
Read more“Social” bread.
- 21 March 2015 - 12:16
- #democracy #society

The state continues to spend large resources to keep prices for “social” bread. To do this, it forces the “Prodcorporation” to sell grain to small mills at a low price. The negative difference is the loss of the “Food Corporation”.
Of course, the government is the owner of the Food Corporation, and therefore has the right …
Read moreState depending on one person
- 14 March 2015 - 01:11
- #democracy #ideology #politics

A state, the further development of which depends on one person, on his health, on his personal presence on TV screens, on his mood and whims, cannot be considered sustainable, progressive and modern.
I’m talking about North Korea, of course.
What did you think about?…
Read moreAmerica and democracy
- 23 December 2014 - 19:50
- #democracy #West

I often set an example for us, Kazakhstanis, American and European lifestyle. I say how much the order is higher, laws are more effective and democracy is stronger there.
Some readers perceive this as servility to a specific country the United States or to some of the European countries.
Read moreColorful America.
- 27 November 2014 - 19:44
- #democracy #society #West

Back in the 1990s, when I first came to the USA, only one episode broke my euphoria about the Western way of life.
We with a local friend went along the unfrequented street and admired the city. Suddenly, we were overtaken by a car from with incredibly loudly carried rap music. In the car there were …
Read moreWar of ideologies
- 26 November 2014 - 01:24
- #democracy #ideology #politics

I have noticed an interesting thing: almost all readers who negatively reacted to my posts about the Soviet Union are supporters of Putin’s Russia in the conflict with Ukraine.
This once again proved to me that in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions there is now not so much …
Read moreWhat good is freedom?
- 9 November 2014 - 14:33
- #democracy #freedom #Right

In a free society, where there are few restrictions, limits, censorship, more thoughts, words, ideas are born.
And the more ideas, the greater the choice and the greater the probability of survival in the competition of the best of the ideas.
That is why the best cars, computers, phones, pictures and …
Read moreFacts and perceptions
- 23 June 2013 - 21:35
- #democracy

Speaking about freedom of speech, it is important to distinguish two things: facts and judgments.
Facts are events that took place in reality.
Perceptions are the subjective opinion of an individual about a particular phenomenon.
Freedom of speech is to …
Read moreDifferent degrees of freedom of speech.
- 23 June 2013 - 21:11
- #democracy #freedom

Responsible freedom of speech – you can say anything, but a person should be responsible for slander.
Full freedom of speech – you can say anything, even slander, but if you say untruth, you simply lose your credibility and the trust of others.
Responsible freedom of speech is most acceptable for young and developing …
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