Recently, I have noticed such a phenomenon: at Russian-speaking business events, entrepreneurs from Russia often address unfamiliar people as “ты” (informal “you”). Participants from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and other Central Asian countries experience cultural shock from this. In these countries, it is customary to address unfamiliar people, even younger ones, as “Вы” (formal “you”). Furthermore, after getting acquainted, even older individuals …
Read moreHow I lost my friends
- 29 August 2023 - 16:56
- #morality #philosophy #society

When I first joined social media, I gained many real and virtual friends. The number of them gradually increased. But at one point, I started noticing that some of them were unfollowing me or even turning into haters, people who hated me and constantly criticized me. The most surprising thing was that among them were my friends and acquaintances from …
Read moreReaction to comments
- 21 June 2023 - 17:15
- #morality #philosophy #society

Recently, for the first time in many years, I received a reprimand.
In one establishment, I tried to pass through a narrow corridor from which a woman was exiting. The woman looked at me with a displeased expression and said to me, “Sir, where are you rushing to? Let me calmly exit.”
In that moment, I caught myself thinking that …
Read moreNot Praying to God, but Demanding
- 14 June 2023 - 17:16
- #morality #philosophy #society

Praying to God is useless. No one will send rain from the sky…
Droughts and floods will still periodically occur on our land.
But what is not useless, and what is in our hands, is being prepared for emergencies. Therefore, instead of praying, we should demand from the authorities the allocation of funds for maintaining security systems, such as space …
Read moreFlexibility of Body and Character
- 14 December 2022 - 18:07
- #philosophy #society #upbringing #общество

I’ve noticed an interesting pattern: the flexibility of a person’s body is directly related to the flexibility of their character.
For example, I have a friend who seems like he swallowed a stick. He has a slim and straight body, but it’s difficult for him to bend, lean, or twist: his torso seems to be frozen. His character is the …
Read moreThe influence of the crowd on the judges.
- 8 September 2022 - 09:30
- #morality #philosophy #society

In our society, situations periodically arise when one or another public figure stands up for a participant in the trial or, conversely, “runs over” him. At this time, voices are heard that citizens do not have the right to discuss trials before the court’s decision (verdict), as well as after.
I don’t agree with that.
The right to discuss the …
Read moreThe daily price of big wins.
- 10 August 2022 - 10:51
- #culture #philosophy #society
When you carry one stone in one place every day, no one notices it.
Then comes the day when you stand on top of a mountain of your stones.
Everyone is jealous of you and wants to take your place.
But few people want to wear one stone every day.

- 30 July 2022 - 11:02
- #culture #morality #philosophy #society #общество

I could never understand people who don’t accept criticism.
They get offended by any comments addressed at them; zealously watching that no one makes caustic remarks behind their back; any unflattering statement and they’re ready to pounce at you with fists or sarcastically exclaim: “Look at yourself.”
I feel sorry for these people.
To hide from criticism is like turning …
Read moreThe atheist’s sermon 1. Tolerance.
- 21 July 2022 - 13:44
- #culture #morality #philosophy #society
The atheist – Preacher :
My friends!
Today I am starting a series of atheist sermons. And my first sermon will be dedicated not to atheism and not to religion, but to tolerance.
We are like-minded people, but we must always remember the diversity of humanity, that there are many people with different views, including on faith and religion. We …
Read moreThe sermons of an atheist.
- 20 July 2022 - 13:48
- #culture #morality #philosophy #society
Questions of faith and religion have interested mankind from time immemorial. Disputes about God do not abate today, hundreds of thousands of years after the first signs of religion appeared.
They also worry me, a convinced atheist.
I often become a participant in discussions on this topic.
Over the years, I have formed my own vision of the world, humanity, …
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