Все статьи из рубрики "Без рубрик"

Psychology of a woman through the eyes of a man.

(the text is exclusively for men; do not read to women).

Many men consider women to be cunning, insidious, fickle, capricious.

It is difficult for men to understand the psychology of a woman simply because they have never been in their place and have not looked at the world around them through their eyes.

I strongly advise you to do …

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People’s opinions are like screen pixels

I consider myself a citizen with an active life position, always expressing my point of view on important social issues, and stating my position. If I don’t like something, I fight against it, if I like it, I support it. My friends don’t always understand me, they ask: “Why do you need this? Why do you spend so much energy, …

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How can a restaurateur please his customers?

Dear restaurateurs. It is not difficult to please the customer.

Just do the following 13 things:

1. Location, location, location! Your restaurant should be located in a convenient place. As a client, I should not suffer from searching a restaurant, driving through and parking a car to eat. There should be parking near your restaurant. Naturally, the exceptions are restaurants …

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Rights Are Inseparable from Responsibilities

If you want to have something, you must give something in return.

If you want to be the head of the family, you must work and provide for the family, not sit on the couch and wait for your wife to come home from work.

If you want equal rights with men, you must work and develop (unless you are …

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July 31

The assertion of the existence of God is not an insult to the feelings of atheists.
Likewise, the statement that God does not exist is not an insult to the feelings of believers.…

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Eastern mentality.

As it happens, in 2017 I lived in South Korea for about a month.

     What do I want to say?

     It is a typical Asian country with a distinctive eastern mentality. Here the elder are venerated, the family values ​​are strong, the collective is considered more important than the personal, the mores are not puritanical, but …

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What is a “sovok”, and where did it come from?

The word “sovok”(from Russian means scoop) itself comes from the word “Soviet”, and it denotes the most negative manifestations of lifestyle, as well as thinking inherent in citizens of the former Soviet Union.

Here, in my opinion, are the main signs of the “sovok” and my explanation of their origin.

Xenophobia (fear or hatred of everything alien, unfamiliar, unusual).

Xenophobia …

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Cave fist law

Two drivers quarreled in the center of the city. Most likely, one of them cut off the second one. The drivers get out of the cars and begin to figure out the relationship on the fists. One beats the second and leaves contented. The second remains to lie on the asphalt.

         A familiar story, is not …

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The joy of Victory.

For some reason, some people consider Victory Day to be an exceptionally mournful day and are zealous that no one should rejoice on this day.

I see some kind of youthful maximalism in this.

Yes, we must not forget the enormous sacrifices of the Second World War, we must not forget our grandfathers who died in those battles, but at …

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Celebrating the victory over fascism under another fascism.

They write to me: “How can you rejoice, how can you celebrate the victory over fascism, if today in another part of the world – in Russia – it is flourishing?”.

I think these are different things! You can’t mix them.

Our grandfathers, who gave their lives in 1941-1945 against the domination of the Aryan race over the whole world, …

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