Все статьи из рубрики "Без рубрик"

I could not write a better penetration than Albina Ramazan about the pain of Kazakh-speaking citizens of our country:

“I will try in order.

The first and most important thing. People who speak exclusively Kazakh in our country are exercising their constitutional right. It doesn’t matter who they talk to – foreigners, Russian speakers or among themselves. Constitutional law.

I recently flew to Lithuania. Everyone there also speaks or at least understands Russian. But I downloaded a Lithuanian phrasebook, …

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I always wanted to understand the psychology of people who create problems for others.

No, I’m not talking about global villains like Dracula or Putin. I am referring to ordinary citizens, perhaps quite decent and law-abiding, but committing inexplicable actions for me.

Here in the supermarket, a handsome man with a cart full of food, stops in a narrow aisle and picks melons for a long time. He touches one, the other. Smells, snaps. …

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I don’t believe in superstitions.

For the life of me, I can’t figure out how three grams of saliva fired over my left shoulder can change the trajectory of a brick that should fall on my head around the corner.

What is the connection between them?!

Or what kind of trouble can my grandmother bring me with empty buckets, unless …

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Wealth is for show

 My friend’s son studies at one of the Czech universities.

               Recently she went to visit him. She decided to lavish her son’s classmates, mostly Czechs, with Kazakh national dishes, and served a dinner in the dormitory. Before the feast, the son suddenly said to his mother: “Mom, just do not pull your handbag …

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Old age.

With fear I am waiting for the moment when young people begin to annoy me, when their music seems to be stupid, outfits are tasteless, mores are loose; when I catch myself thinking that earlier the grass was greener, and the water was wetter.

Some of my peers have already started to express such suspicions. However, it has not touched …

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Class hatred.

Ali was born into a poor family. He remembered since childhood, as his parents lived in a rented apartments and barely making ends meet. He also remembered how his father and mother had waited in fear for the rent to be paid every first day of the month, how they had hated the landlord, called him a blood-sucker and a …

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Psychology of a woman through the eyes of a man.

(the text is exclusively for men; do not read to women).

Many men consider women to be cunning, insidious, fickle, capricious.

It is difficult for men to understand the psychology of a woman simply because they have never been in their place and have not looked at the world around them through their eyes.

I strongly advise you to do …

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People’s opinions are like screen pixels

I consider myself a citizen with an active life position, always expressing my point of view on important social issues, and stating my position. If I don’t like something, I fight against it, if I like it, I support it. My friends don’t always understand me, they ask: “Why do you need this? Why do you spend so much energy, …

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How can a restaurateur please his customers?

Dear restaurateurs. It is not difficult to please the customer.

Just do the following 13 things:

1. Location, location, location! Your restaurant should be located in a convenient place. As a client, I should not suffer from searching a restaurant, driving through and parking a car to eat. There should be parking near your restaurant. Naturally, the exceptions are restaurants …

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Rights Are Inseparable from Responsibilities

If you want to have something, you must give something in return.

If you want to be the head of the family, you must work and provide for the family, not sit on the couch and wait for your wife to come home from work.

If you want equal rights with men, you must work and develop (unless you are …

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