Все статьи из рубрики "Без рубрик"

The atheist’s sermon 6. Religion and the state.

The atheist – preacher:

Religion and the state have always been the strongest structures in human society. Sometimes they competed with each other, but more often they collaborated.

At the dawn of human history, shaman priests occupied a significant position in the tribal hierarchy, as they allegedly had the ability to communicate with spirits and gods. Most often they did …

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An interview that didn’t happen.

Part 9. Presidential term.

Correspondent of the newspaper “La Tribune”:

– Mr. President, you have big plans that will take more than one year to implement them. Most likely, you will not have time to implement much of what you have said in one presidential term. Do you intend to run for this post for a second term, and possibly …

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An interview that didn’t happen.

Part 8. Language issue.

Correspondent of the “Medusa” edition:

– Mr. President, returning to the relations between Kazakhstan and Russia, please tell me, do you, as the president of the country, feel the growth of anti-Russian sentiment in Kazakhstan, what is happening all over the world now? Are you aware of the activity of the national patriots of Kazakhstan, in …

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An interview that didn’t happen.

Part 7. Defense of the country.

Correspondent of the “BBC”:

– Please tell me, Mr. President, even if you take a neutral position towards Russia, do you consider the threat of Russia’s invasion of Kazakhstan to be real? We can see from Mr. Putin’s rhetoric that he sees his mission in the reconstruction of the “great Russian empire”, including as …

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An interview that didn’t happen.

Part 5. The war in Ukraine.

Correspondent of the “Washington Post” newspaper:

– Dear Mr. President, probably the most important issue now for all mankind is the situation around Russia and Ukraine, because many see it as a threat of World War III. In this regard, I would like to know your attitude to this conflict. To be honest, many …

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An interview that didn’t happen.

Part 3. Bloody January.

Correspondent of the newspaper “Current time”:

– Mr. President, in a conversation with you in 2022, I think you understand that we cannot ignore the topic of the January events. Therefore, let me ask a few direct questions on this topic. Tell me, please, so what did happen in January in Almaty?

President Tokayev:

– In …

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An interview that didn’t happen.

Part 4. Democratization.

Correspondent of the newspaper “Radio Liberty”:

– Mr. President, what about those hundreds of people who indiscriminately fell under the repressive punishment machine and are now in pre-trial detention centers? People are tortured and forced to confess. You do understand that in those days there were mostly respectable citizens on the square who came to demand changes, …

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An interview that didn’t happen.

Part 2. Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Correspondent of the newspaper “Alash”:

– Mr. President, well, the referendum has passed, you have achieved your goal: Nursultan Nazarbayev has lost all immunity to justice. What are your next steps? Will you chase him?

President Tokayev:

– You know, Nursultan Nazarbayev has done a lot for the country and for me personally: he promoted me …

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