Все статьи из рубрики "Общество"

Kazakh Latin Script

Finally, the public has been presented with a new version of the Kazakh alphabet in Latin script!

I believe that our people have achieved an epic victory over bureaucracy in their effort to please their superiors and have successfully fended off the terrible versions with digraphs and apostrophes.

The presented version looks the most successful of all previously proposed.

We …

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Breadwinners or enemies?

Today, a friend called me, the owner of the pharmacy. Almost crying, she says that she previously purchased medicines for several hundred thousand tenge, and recently the order of the Minister of Health on marginal prices was issued, and now my friend is forced to sell many medicines below cost.

For example, she bought a medicine for 1000 tenge, wanted …

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Obedience of criminals.

A young prince turned to his aging father, the Shah, for advice:

“Tell me, father, how can I govern the country after you, to keep the subjects obedient?”

“It’s very simple, my son,” replied the old man, “keep everyone in fear and dependency on you. Start by imposing high taxes on peasants and craftsmen. If a peasant can afford to …

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The temptations of the big city.

Many parents of high school graduates face the question: should they send their child to study in big cities at universities? Many fear that their children won’t resist the temptations of the metropolis, will associate with the wrong crowd, and become drug addicts, alcoholics, and hooligans.

In such cases, I always recall my student life.

I enrolled in the capital’s …

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When will the police leave prostitutes alone?!

Let me remind you that, by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, prostitution is not a crime, therefore the priestesses of love do not violate any laws, and regular raids on them, detentions, and delivery to the police station to determine their identity is a gross violation of human rights.

This is the same as if the police regularly …

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Selfishness in the service of society.

Sometimes I hear these words:

“This blogger traveled half the country in search of scandalous stories. All the fields and forests have overgrown. Do you think he is working hard for the sake of good business? No way! For himself, for his own fame. And you, like devout hamsters, are liking him and writing eulogistic comments. He just uses you. …

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