Все статьи из рубрики "Business"

Other people’s success.

     There are two categories of people that react differently to other people’s success.

     The first start looking for a catch in the story of the winners.

     A successful Kazakh businessman? Ah, got it. A son of the prosecutor or a son-in-law of the minister, or even a relative of the president. You prove it …

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English business and citizens.

     Recently my Kazakh acquaintance who lives in London told me an interesting story from the ordinary life of the Englishmen.

     He himself lives near Heathrow Airport. So, it turns out that this airport has for a long time wanted to expand and build another additional runway. Being one of the largest airports in the world, its …

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A friend who is a businessman

           – Well, I accept congratulations. From today on, I am the Deputy Mayor.

           – Congratulations, friend! I’m happy for you!

           – Thank you. Well, what ideas do you have? What are we going to do?

           – What do you mean?…

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Alma-Ata and Astana residents

         Every time I go to Alma-Ata, I find more and more distinctions between the Alma-Ata and the Astana residents.

         A lot of civil servants and employees of state companies live in Astana. This leaves an imprint on the general atmosphere in public places. Even on vacation (in restaurants, shopping centers, in the …

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The princes and the “self-made people”

          As in any society, there are people in Kazakhstan who have been given wealth or fame at birth. These are the sons or daughters of millionaires, show stars or politicians. They can be called “princes”.

          The advantageous starting position of the “princes” irritates many people. It seems unfair that, having …

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Good mood at someone else’s expenses

           Festive decoration of shops, restaurants, and salons has become a familiar phenomenon in the cities of Kazakhstan. But not every philistine knows how this is done and at what cost.

           The fact is that, in many cases it’s akimats (city halls) who decide to lighten up the mood this way, …

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Opinions about competitors.

       From correspondence with a consulting company:

    – Hello, Alexey. I am interested in your offer. It differs favorably from your competitors’ offers by the price and volume of services. Please send me a contract.

    – Hello, Marat. I will send the contract. As for the competitors: we have no competitors in this area. …

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Corruption in private companies

            We complain about the officials, we blame them for corruption, and they are actually the exact reflection of our entire society.

            Recently, I talked with the manager of one business center. He says that corruption is much worse in their environment than in state bodies. It turned out …

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Ode to intermediaries.

      In our society there is a negative attitude towards the so-called intermediaries. They are blamed for rising prices, fabulous and unjustified incomes and many other sins.

      I want to say a few words in their defense.

      What is an intermediary? It is an entrepreneur who buys products from manufacturers and sells …

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Banks and credits

             Do I need to borrow money from banks?

             I believe that it is necessary.


             Because without a loan, no business is possible.

             No, of course, you can buy an …

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