Все статьи из рубрики "Psychology"

Rational sacrifice.

     Every year on Kurban Ait hundreds of thousands of Muslims in our country in one day, slaughter thousands of heads of livestock: sheep, horses, and cows.

     I have nothing against the rite itself. Its original meaning was to help others, to do good to people. This emphasizes the humanity of Islam.

     Nevertheless, have you …

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State and private cemeteries.

       I think that we should have both state cemeteries and private ones.

       State cemeteries should be kept at the expense of the budget and provide a minimum level of services free of charge (plot of land for the grave, security and cleaning of the cemetery territory). In the state cemetery, competing with private companies, …

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The country of the Great Steppe.

      President Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed giving Kazakhstan a second title: “The Country of the Great Steppe.”

      Some journalists incorrectly interpreted the words of the President and presented this initiative as an attempt to change the name “Kazakhstan” to a new one.

      I do not think so.

      This is about the second, informal name of the …

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Two families – two child-rearing

             A family of father, mother and two children is approaching me along the promenade. They are walking, loudly discussing something, gnawing seeds and throwing the husks to the ground at the same time.

             I approach the head of the family, who is about my age, even, perhaps, younger, …

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Family lesson of democracy.

       Recently my son taught me a lesson in democracy.

       That is how it was.

       We drove the whole family (my wife, daughter, son, and I) by car. Our daughter       loves music, and the son – silence. My daughter asked me to turn on the music. My wife and I were not against, so turned it …

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Hadith about self-restraint

             Recently, I happened to be at the auzashar (breaking of the fast) in a local mosque. I listened attentively to the preaching of the Imam. On this day he told the hadith about the restraint of the Prophet.

             Once the Prophet was at sports competitions. People competed in …

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           I’m an atheist.

           I do not believe in supernatural power. I believe in the laws of physics, chemistry, biology, sociology, and others.

          But that’s not the point.

          How did it happen that in our society to own up to being an …

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Spirituality and culture

          When I have been to Italy last time, I talked with a Russian emigrant.

          Her name is Irina. She moved to Italy from Moscow about 10 years ago. She married an Italian, but then divorced. She lives with her son. And she has excellent friendly relations with the ex-husband.


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