The influence of the crowd on the judges.

In our society, situations periodically arise when one or another public figure stands up for a participant in the trial or, conversely, “runs over” him. At this time, voices are heard that citizens do not have the right to discuss trials before the court’s decision (verdict), as well as after.

I don’t agree with that.

The right to discuss the …

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The collapse of the Russian Empire.

I remember, in my pioneer childhood, the most terrible crime that Soviet propaganda imputed to America was its desire to destroy the Soviet Union. We were told that Uncle Sam was asleep and saw fraternal republics running to their corners, competing with each other and even feuding. It was believed that due to this, the main competitor of the USA, …

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Egoism and friendship.

Human behavior is based on two basic instincts inherent in it genetically. This is the survival instinct and the reproduction instinct.

Whatever a person does in his life, all his actions, feelings, emotions are based on these two instincts that help him survive and continue his kind, that is, serve his personal interests, his “ego”. A person’s selfishness is the …

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Human behavior is based on two basic instincts inherent in it genetically: the instinct of survival and the instinct of reproduction. These are fundamental instincts that are inherent in all living organisms existing in nature and thanks to which they have been preserved and developed.

People, as highly developed and highly organized beings, in the course of the evolution and …

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Criticism of religion. The omniscience of God.

All the holy scriptures that have come down to us (the Torah, the Bible, the Koran, etc.) state that God is omniscient, that is, he knows (knows) about everything that has happened, is happening and will happen on earth, in the water, in heaven.

Moreover, he himself created all things on Earth and himself predetermined their fate.

Therefore, he knows …

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I could never understand people who don’t accept criticism.

They get offended by any comments addressed at them; zealously watching that no one makes caustic remarks behind their back; any unflattering statement and they’re ready to pounce at you with fists or sarcastically exclaim: “Look at yourself.”

I feel sorry for these people.

To hide from criticism is like turning …

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The atheist’s sermon 6. Religion and the state.

The atheist – preacher:

Religion and the state have always been the strongest structures in human society. Sometimes they competed with each other, but more often they collaborated.

At the dawn of human history, shaman priests occupied a significant position in the tribal hierarchy, as they allegedly had the ability to communicate with spirits and gods. Most often they did …

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Preaching of an atheist 5. Religion as a disciplining force.

The atheist – preacher:

Long before the appearance of modern religions, certain rules of behavior had developed in human society. People wanted to live in safety and not be killed by stronger tribesmen, so there was a social agreement not to kill each other without a good reason. People wanted to protect their personal property while they were hunting or …

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