
           How is it that we have become a toothpick to “the Kazakh national instrument”?

           Many men (and even women !!!) often demonstrate their virtuosity in front of the audience sitting at the table with them. Even in some expensive restaurants, toothpicks are openly put on the table together with a …

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The collective farm

            As a child, I spent every summer with my grandmother in the village. She lived alone (grandfather was killed in the war), and I kind of helped her.

           I remember one case.

           Once in the middle of the night my grandmother harnessed the cart …

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Modesty of athletes.

     I sincerely rejoice and I am proud of the Kazakhstani athletes who have reached the world level.

     But one aspect upsets.

     Apparently there they fall into the paws of foreign promoters and begin to play by their rules. They writhe menacing faces on the screen, gaze intently into the eyes of the enemy, shout: “I am …

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“Kiss” of geniuses

          I spent a lot of time watching the scandal around the poster with “kissing” Kurmangazy and Pushkin. I also decided to express my opinion.

          Why did this picture stir up many Kazakhstanis? Why did some of them even sued and demanded to pay moral damage in million sums?


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Consulates as a mirror of the country

            Recently some friends of our family tried to get a visa to the Czech Republic for their son to study. It was terribly difficult. To make an appointment at the consulate, you need to register on the Internet. But, apparently, there are so many people that getting into this queue is incredibly difficult. Our …

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Roads and cars

            I derived a formula for myself: “Roads are the embodiment of the state, and cars are the embodiment of citizens.”

            If both roads and cars are bad in the country, then, most likely, this is a poor state with a small budget and poor people.


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Corruption in private companies

            We complain about the officials, we blame them for corruption, and they are actually the exact reflection of our entire society.

            Recently, I talked with the manager of one business center. He says that corruption is much worse in their environment than in state bodies. It turned out …

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Farewell to the client.

     Dialogue №1.

     – Hello. My name is Tolibaev Marat. I decided to forgo the services of your salon. I’m not satisfied with the level of work of your master. I’m just calling so you know and do not lose me.

     – Whatever… (short beeps).

     Dialogue №2.

     – Hello … (the …

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Do not constrain languages!

      In Kazakhstan, no language must be infringed in any way!

      I think see it as the perfect situation when Kazakh, Russian, Ukrainian, English, Arabic, Turkish and other languages will be heard on our streets.

      I’m all for it!

      But … let’s figure it out. What language is being …

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