Education and upbringing.

       Recently many well-off Kazakhstanis send their children at a very early age to study abroad. It’s not even about studying at a university, but about secondary education. 15-16-year-old boys and girls leave. This is done to ensure that children learn the foreign language better and are prepared to enter the university.

       But I have …

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Stages of industry development

           The inevitable stages of industry development are as follows:

           We sell raw materials – we buy goods (banana republic);

           We sell raw materials – we buy goods and equipment;

           We sell raw materials and goods – we buy equipment and …

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     Chess is a brilliant game. Among other things, it teaches oppositional thinking, that is, thinking for the enemy. A good chess player never makes a move for nothing. He thinks of many moves ahead for himself and for the enemy. He mentally puts himself in the opponent’s place and tries to find the best response to his own …

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Unity and separation

           I remember how we, Kazakhstani conscripts, got into the training instruction part of the USSR communications troops. It was a motley cauldron: Georgians, Uzbeks, Chechens, Kazakhs, Ukrainians. On the third day, skirmishes began on a national basis. Then there was a massive fight between the Kazakhs and Georgians. The commanders were in a panic, and …

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Men’s jewelry.

      I have never worn and will not carry jewelries: rings (except for engagement), seals, chains, bracelets.

      What for?

      I do not understand the men who are afflicted with all this.…

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Syndrome of a new broom.

      It is said that the new broom sweeps in a new way, or there is such a term as “to inject fresh blood”.

      In these expressions, of course, it makes sense. Updating in any team is necessary, otherwise – stagnation.

      But there is another extreme of this phenomenon.

      I remember when I came to …

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Facts and perceptions

           Speaking about freedom of speech, it is important to distinguish two things: facts and judgments.

           Facts are events that took place in reality.

           Perceptions are the subjective opinion of an individual about a particular phenomenon.

          Freedom of speech is to …

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Different degrees of freedom of speech.

     Responsible freedom of speech – you can say anything, but a person should be responsible for slander.

     Full freedom of speech – you can say anything, even slander, but if you say untruth, you simply lose your credibility and the trust of others.

     Responsible freedom of speech is most acceptable for young and developing …

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              Basically, I am against monarchies.

              The monarchy violates the fundamental principle of social organization: the equality of citizens at birth.

              Why are some people surrounded by wealth, attention and respect from birth to death regardless of their mental, moral …

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