Все статьи с тегом "#мораль"

Authoritarianism is a source of corruption.

Corruption is rampant only in a closed, opaque state apparatus.

The closeness of the state apparatus is possible only under an authoritarian regime.

An authoritarian regime is possible in the absence of political competition and democracy.

Therefore, it is useless to fight corruption in an authoritarian state, because some corrupt officials will be replaced by other corrupt officials.

We need …

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Human behavior is based on two basic instincts inherent in it genetically: the instinct of survival and the instinct of reproduction. These are fundamental instincts that are inherent in all living organisms existing in nature and thanks to which they have been preserved and developed.

People, as highly developed and highly organized beings, in the course of the evolution and …

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The atheist’s sermon 6. Religion and the state.

The atheist – preacher:

Religion and the state have always been the strongest structures in human society. Sometimes they competed with each other, but more often they collaborated.

At the dawn of human history, shaman priests occupied a significant position in the tribal hierarchy, as they allegedly had the ability to communicate with spirits and gods. Most often they did …

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About Nurlan Saburov.

In this life, everything has a price. To get something, you need to give something away.

Millions of fans of Nurlan Saburov were ready to give him their love and recognition. In return, they expected him to act. But he did not commit it, did not condemn the war in Ukraine, and, accordingly, lost millions of fans.

But he got …

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Zealous Servants

Have you noticed how eager the servants of the leader can be? Official propagandists, deputies, officials, and even ordinary citizens.

It seems like they are all shouting at the top of their lungs, competing to show their patriotism, hatred towards the enemy, and readiness to die for the “führer’s” cause.

Where does such unanimity in voices come from? How do …

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“Bilateral” officials

 Sometimes people surprise: “Why did they appoint this or that person to a high position? For what qualities? After all, everyone knows that he is a superficial specialist, a tyrant for subordinates, an arrogant snob and a despicable person. Can not the authorities see this? “

           And the whole point is that the bosses look …

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“Cheap Things of Rich People”:

Recently, I discovered a new meaning to the saying: “I’m not rich enough to buy cheap things.”

Indeed, only a wealthy person can afford to wear cheap clothes and use cheap services.

Do you know why?

Because they don’t need to prove anything to anyone. They are established. They have proved to the world and themselves that they can do …

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Hatred towards critics

I remember once at a meeting, there was this “comrade” giving a presentation. One of the participants at the meeting criticized the presentation. He didn’t insult or demean the speaker, and he wasn’t against the speaker personally. He was only against the idea. But the speaker immediately flared up with intense hatred towards him.

It’s astonishing.

We automatically consider critics

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