Все статьи с тегом "#society"


       It is often said that life is unfair, because someone is working hard all his life to earn money, and someone is born a millionaire.

      This is unfair, I must agree.

      But this is fair if we talk about the fathers of the heirs. They are the people who earned their …

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RCS in Astana airport

          It turns out that people have already come up with a special term: RCS (reverse cultural shock). This is the feeling when you return from somewhere to your homeland and just fall out of the sediment with unaccustomed, or rather, from the “habit”.

          Recently, I experienced this kind of RCS …

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Spirituality and culture

          When I have been to Italy last time, I talked with a Russian emigrant.

          Her name is Irina. She moved to Italy from Moscow about 10 years ago. She married an Italian, but then divorced. She lives with her son. And she has excellent friendly relations with the ex-husband.


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Europe’s mild climate.

      In Europe, two friends can go together, one wearing flip-flops, the other – wearing boots. And it’s not just that the climate here is mild, but that there is a common mild atmosphere of tolerance for others. Nobody cares what you are wearing: a tuxedo or rags. Nobody will condemn you, discuss or make comments. This is …

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Kazakh Internet zombies in European restaurants

           I noticed an interesting detail: in Italy, sitting at a table of a restaurant or a cafe, we, as usual, took our phones and started communicating with virtual friends, but not with each other. We are already like zombies, obsessed with the Internet and smartphones. And when I casually looked around I have suddenly found …

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The princes and the “self-made people”

          As in any society, there are people in Kazakhstan who have been given wealth or fame at birth. These are the sons or daughters of millionaires, show stars or politicians. They can be called “princes”.

          The advantageous starting position of the “princes” irritates many people. It seems unfair that, having …

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Independent Press.

     Independent press does not exist a priori.

     Any periodical has an owner, on whom it depends. The owner has interests. Naturally, this periodical will never go against the interests of its owner.

     However, the independent press may exist in general in the country.

     For this, it is necessary that there are many …

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“Social” bread.

     The state continues to spend large resources to keep prices for “social” bread. To do this, it forces the “Prodcorporation” to sell grain to small mills at a low price. The negative difference is the loss of the “Food Corporation”.

     Of course, the government is the owner of the Food Corporation, and therefore has the right …

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Private detective work

            I remember, once upon a time the security work was the exclusive prerogative of the police. At that time, it seemed like a fantasy to give it into a competitive environment. And today we are all used to the abundance of private security services and their good work around us.


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Videography in prisons

          In order to leave less place for the possibility of arbitrariness in prisons, it is necessary to introduce total video surveillance within them.

          Moreover, the head of the prison simultaneously with the duty officer of the prosecutor’s office should see the video image in order to react promptly to the …

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