Все статьи из рубрики "Society"

National and language model of Kazakhstan.

       This is how I see the national and linguistic model of Kazakhstan.

       Kazakhstan will remain a multinational state. No one will be expelled or oppressed on a national or racial basis. A person does not choose his or her nationality at birth, therefore nationality itself can not be the basis for exaltation or humiliation of anyone.…

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       What is “hype”?

       This is a foreign word, meaning agiotage, stormy discussion, mass discussion, scandal, intrusive advertising, emotional arousal, etc.

       There is commercial, social and political hype.

       A commercial hype is raised to arouse interest in some product, person or company. For example, a good hype was played in Kazakhstan a year ago as …

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​       I notice how veganism is gaining popularity in Europe.

       Veganism is not only and not so much a rejection of products of animal origin, but rather a philosophy of life.

       If vegetarians believe that animals can not be killed for food and clothing, then the vegans went even further. They believe that animals (in the broad sense of the …

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Kings and slaves.

I have noticed one thing: among the participants of the movement “Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan” many people are fanatically devoted to its leader, Mr. Ablyazov. They admire him, swear allegiance, ready to give his life for him. And this is when he has not yet become the leader of the country, but is just an oppositionist in exile. What will …

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     They say that the retinue makes a king.

     In fact, before this, the king makes a retinue (except, when the subordinates were imposed on him).

     Therefore, each subordinate is a reflection of some traits or qualities of his boss. In addition, every boss deserves his subordinate.

     I thought about this recently, when …

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“Owl” or “lark”?

     At one time I thought I was an “owl”. I went to bed late, got up too late. I was sure that at night my productivity increased, I worked better in the quiet, etc.

     Then it became necessary for me to get up early. I started to get up early, because of this I went to bed …

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Requests and suggestions.

     Never ask anyone for anything – only offer. All people are selfish and think only of their own interests. This is an axiom. It is useless to resent it, disagree or try to change people. Just take it into consideration.

     For example, it’s silly to say: “Take me to work. I have not worked for a …

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Dear friends.

     I am interested in the development of the Kazakh language for a long time. I know four languages ​​at different levels: Russian, Kazakh, English, Italian. Multilingualism expanded my horizons of vision, allowed me to catch some patterns and typical problems of different languages.

     In this regard, I decided to take the liberty of proposing for discussion …

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Three variants of Kazakh Latin.

While the state authorities racing each other change the signs in a new Latin alphabet and the publishers publish books overnight, the people still hope for the cancellation of the apostrophes. I was included in several groups in WhatsApp and in Messenger, where with great enthusiasm a discussion of various variants of the Latin alphabet are conducted. The debates are …

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Lack of knowledge.

Knowledge has one drawback which is about its impossibility to get rid of them.

If you once found out that the Earth is round, you can torture or even burn, you can refuse or pretend, but somewhere deep down you will still know that “and yet it spins.”Это изображение имеет пустой атрибут alt; его имя файла - 29134078_1754060974654987_4975545726370054144_n.jpg

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