Все статьи с тегом "#business"

The princes and the “self-made people”

          As in any society, there are people in Kazakhstan who have been given wealth or fame at birth. These are the sons or daughters of millionaires, show stars or politicians. They can be called “princes”.

          The advantageous starting position of the “princes” irritates many people. It seems unfair that, having …

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Opinions about competitors.

       From correspondence with a consulting company:

    – Hello, Alexey. I am interested in your offer. It differs favorably from your competitors’ offers by the price and volume of services. Please send me a contract.

    – Hello, Marat. I will send the contract. As for the competitors: we have no competitors in this area. …

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Farewell to the client.

     Dialogue №1.

     – Hello. My name is Tolibaev Marat. I decided to forgo the services of your salon. I’m not satisfied with the level of work of your master. I’m just calling so you know and do not lose me.

     – Whatever… (short beeps).

     Dialogue №2.

     – Hello … (the …

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Ode to intermediaries.

      In our society there is a negative attitude towards the so-called intermediaries. They are blamed for rising prices, fabulous and unjustified incomes and many other sins.

      I want to say a few words in their defense.

      What is an intermediary? It is an entrepreneur who buys products from manufacturers and sells …

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           When penalty is imposed at work, some blame superiors, colleagues, subordinates.

           But, I think that the person is to blame in all his/her troubles.

           If the person were an ideal worker, what would be the point of punishing him?

           If …

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Ichak Adizes, “The Ideal Executive”

             One of the books that made a strong impression on me.

             For those who have not read it, here are the key points:

             There are no ideal leaders. Because the leader must combine 4 incompatible qualities:


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Syndrome of a new broom.

      It is said that the new broom sweeps in a new way, or there is such a term as “to inject fresh blood”.

      In these expressions, of course, it makes sense. Updating in any team is necessary, otherwise – stagnation.

      But there is another extreme of this phenomenon.

      I remember when I came to …

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About the dangers of a meteoric career.

       I used to think that appointing young people to high positions is a guarantee of progress. I myself was young and thought that the old grumblers did not let us move forward out of envy.

       But now I see that power, like fame and money, is a serious test for the unsteady psyche. If …

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