Все статьи из рубрики "Без рубрик"

My Attitude Towards Victory Day.

During these days, the whole world commemorates the victory of the international coalition over Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. This day symbolizes the victory over the ideology of national superiority and political despotism. Therefore, yes, this is a holiday. And I believe that on this day, we should rejoice in the victory over evil. I congratulate war veterans on Victory …

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Against the LGBT ban

I am categorically against the introduction of a ban on LGBT propaganda in the Republic of Kazakhstan. I consider this a restriction of citizens’ freedom. Sexual minorities are one of the types of minorities in society, and according to the canons of democracy, minorities should not be oppressed by the majority. This applies to religion, race, nationality, and sexual orientation. …

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To the civil service-through the “back door”.

“Public procurement in our country has become synonymous with corruption.

However, there is another area that is subject to abuse, no less than tenders. This is the procedure for entering the civil service.

It would seem that the procedure for admission to state bodies is described in detail by laws and regulations. They even provide video recording of the interview. …

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“Feigning” politeness or outright rudeness?

Recently, my acquaintance, one of those who long for the Soviet Union and believes that capitalism is evil, finally went to America himself. I hoped that this trip would change something in his mind and that he would return as a different person. However, he returned an even greater criticism of the Western way of life. According to him, people …

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Unintentional sinners

Throughout human history, which is more than 300,000 years, over 100 billion people have been born and died on Earth. The vast majority of them appeared before the advent of Islam. These people had no opportunity to get acquainted with the teachings of the Quran and, therefore, could not follow its prescriptions. Even after the appearance of Islam, millions of …

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Native language

-Are we obligated to know our language? I will not learn the Kazakh language. Why do I need it? There have been no scientific discoveries made in it. There are no world literary masterpieces in it. I will not do international business in it and will not earn millions. Why should I learn your Kazakh language?

-Tell me, is your …

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Women work with men in hard work at European construction sites.

So to speak, full emancipation.

I wonder if there are reasonable boundaries in emancipation?

What, in your opinion, should be in our society, and what already goes beyond the reasonable:

1. Allow women not to wear a scarf;

2. Allow women to travel the world on their own without …

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Private corruption

I spoke to a vegetable wholesaler in a market in Astana.

He procures potatoes, onions, carrots; cabbage etc. from farmers in the regions, and later on sells them in the market to restaurants, cafeterias, cafes and shops.

Here is what he says, that corruption and bribes are a blooming industry not only in the government but also in the private …

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Evil eye.

A little bit about stupid superstitions.

     Everyone knows our Kazakh belief in the name of “koz tiedi” or in Russian – the evil eye.

     Modern educated people still believe in this nonsense. They hide from the prying eyes of their newborns for up to 40 days, smear specks on the foreheads, cling a pin to them …

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