Dislike for banks.

       I do not support some of my Facebook friends, who declare their dislike for banks.

       It comes to the fact that they dream that the server of the bank with their debts burned down or broke down.

       I myself often lent money and acted as a bank. And I’ve always been …

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Trolls in life.

    I remember I had one bully in my class. He did not like high achievers and activists. Because of this, I often had to fight him. At that time I thought: “It would be nice if he were transferred to another class or another school.” It seemed to me that this was the solution to my problem. But …

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Silent kindness

            There are so many beautiful, kind, pure people around us!

             But we will never know about them, because they are silent and do not reveal.

             They are silent, when someone curses next to their children.

             They …

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The truth

             Sometimes a scoundrel, a fool, a sly one and even an enemy say the truth.

             And the truth does not lose its value in my eyes in this case.

             If the truth is obvious or proven, then I am ready to accept …

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Internal and external growth.

     Recently I had an intimate talk with one colleague. He is much younger than I am and only begins a career.

     – How old are you now? What did you achieve by your years? Does it correspond to your life plans? – I began the conversation in instructive tones as an elder.

     – Everything …

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Ichak Adizes, “The Ideal Executive”

             One of the books that made a strong impression on me.

             For those who have not read it, here are the key points:

             There are no ideal leaders. Because the leader must combine 4 incompatible qualities:


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Breaks in the civil service

         I think that every official should periodically leave the civil service.

         Firstly, in order to experience the delights of the official’s bureaucracy.

         And secondly, in order to earn some kind of capital and then work for the state without a second thought.

         A “hungry” …

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One divides, the other chooses.

       Two brothers inherited a plot of land and could not divide it. Each of them wanted to get a more fertile part, and no one wanted to give in.

       Then they went to a wise man for advice. He listened to them and asked the elder brother to draw a line on the land …

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Merry Muslim woman

           I know one Muslim woman. Cheerful, resilient woman, the one with big laugh, a wonderful narrator of anecdotes, beautifully dressed. At the same time she keeps all the commandments of the Koran, prays five times a day, goes to the mosque on Fridays, several times went for Hajj.

           Once I …

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Mixed marriages.

     I welcome mixed marriages.

     First, as a Darwinian. The more distinct DNA of parents, the stronger would be the off springs, both physically and intellectually.

     Secondly, from a political point of view. Mixed marriages strengthen interethnic ties. At the same time, I am in no way opposed to the preservation of national traditions and …

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